Chapter 7 - Self - Destruction?

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The Episode Starts with....

Its 8:50am, VR Mansion,

Angre (on call): Are you sure? I want the confirmation. Make it fast

Ishani with dadi and Siya arrived into the living room to find press assembled and Angre was on call, he saw Ishani and others worried so approached them

Ishani: Angre any information? (worried)

Angre: May be we almost traced her. I'll get the confirmation in few minutes most probably

Siya: But Jeeju don't you think we are running out of time!

Dadi: You are right Siya but we have no other choice than waiting

Angre: Bhabhi made it difficult for us to reach her so it was a tough task to find her and my men are on confirming her location. We just need to wait

Ishani: I can't see this drama. Dadi come let's go!

Siya: Yes dadi Ishani is right. Even I can't see bhabhi's right being given to someone else. Please lets go to our rooms

Dadi: As you say!

They were leaving when Ishani eyes Angre with a questioning look

Angre: Don't worry am with you and am following you

They were about to leave the place when they saw Vansh with Ahana arriving hand in hand and this pissed Ishani and was about to barge and insult Ahana but was stopped by Angre

Angre: Control Ishani

Ishani: How do I Angre!! Bhai is insulting Riddhima by doing this and after all that we did to her she's broke and I can't hurt her more.

Meanwhile in hostel room,

Riddhima is woke and was trying to divert her mind when she heard a knock on her door. She opened the door to find Sejal. Riddhima felt like she found solace and pounced on her and hugged her tight which was reciprocated by Sejal. Once settled in the room, Riddhima shared her ordeal with Sejal and she felt bad for whatever her best friend was facing. She tried to calm her but the pain was not to be faded easily.

Riddhima: Vaise Sejal how come you here? When did you come?

Sejal: Actually, I was transferred back by my event management company and I reached last night. Warden ma'am informed me in the morning about your arrival so I came to check on you.

They were speaking when suddenly out of blue a person threw a stone wrapped in a paper into their room and they freaked and Sejal rushed to the balcony to get a glance of who it was but she found none. Riddhima took the paper and unrolling it she found a note which read –

"Hello Mrs. Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania. Hope you are doing good! Ok so coming to the point, there's a surprise waiting for you in the news channels. Do watch it. You'll love it"

Sejal: What's that?

Riddhima handed her the note and after reading it

Sejal: Who the hell is aware of you being here and what's the point of the note!

Sejal: We better check once.

So, she turned the TV of the room and were shocked to see the live streaming from VR Mansion.

They received another note wrapped in the stone. Riddhima picked it and the note read –

"Hey I hope you like the surprise. Don't try to skip or turn the TV off. It's very important for you to see this and my eyes are on you so don't you dare turn it. If you do so, then the hostel warden who's in my clutches will be CLEAN BOWLED!!!"

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