Chapter 14 - Quest for Surprise!!!

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The Episode Starts with....

The next moring Riddhima wakes up feeling nausea and rushes into washroom and she vomits once again. After a while,

Riddhima (thinking): Why am I feeling dizzy since yesterday. But these symptoms seem to be something which I know. If I analyse them then I missed my periods this month, nausea, dizziness, feel like am about to faint, fatigue..... oh God!!!! Am I ...... (happy) I need to confirm! I need to test. Riddhima get going, you need to once check it yourself and even give your sample in lab. I need confirmation.

She was excited yet nervous, she didn't want to tell it to Vansh or any family member before she confirms herself. She got ready and was near dressing table when Vansh woke up to find Riddhima getting ready. With sleepy eyes, he was staring at his lady love who was having a special glow on her face.

Vansh: Seems like my wife is thinking of someone else (faking anger)

His voice broke her thoughts and she jerked to see Vansh in sleeping posture giving her fake anger glares, she smiled at his cuteness and approaching him, she sat near him giving him wicked looks while he was wondering what she's up to

Riddhima (smirk): Was actually wondering about one of my colleagues in hospital. He's such a hot guy, every nurse, doctor, patients are gaga over him. His patients attend him with some or the other illness just to make sure they get a chance to meet him and when he touches their wrist to check their pulse, they literally skip a beat. From past week we got to get together and I got a message from him in the morning asking me to meet him today for lunch. So, was just excited. By the way, how am I looking? Will he like my attire?

Vansh was burning with jealousy and the way his wife was excited to go for lunch with another man was pissing him to the core. She was observing his expressions change and was smirking

Riddhima (thinking) (smirk): Aww!!! My poor husband is jealous of an unknown person. I like this burning husband of mine. But am not sure though but I think we may get another person between us and am happy to the core and am sure if my intuition is right then after you get to know about that then you'll be the happiest and would shout on top of your lungs expressing your happiness. I need to rush and get my check-up done. I can't delay to share this happiness with you.

She was lost in thoughts and was smiling when Vansh observed her expressions and felt jealousy overpowering him, he pulled her onto his chest shocking her and was playing with her hair strands which were falling on her face disrupting his view of his sweetheart. She was yet to recover from her shock the way he pulled her but the next thing he did was she least expected at least not at that moment. He pulled her more closer and started sliding his hand on to her waist and then gradually she could feel his hand leading on to her butt. Her eyes widened in shock and he smirked. She tried to get rid of his hands but his grip was tight that she failed and seeing her struggle he had a smirk on his face.

Riddhima: Vansh!!! I am getting late; I need to go to hospital.

Vansh: Sweetheart you might have not noticed the time or may be dreaming because its just 7am and your timings are from 10 so technically we have around 2 and half hours

Riddhima: So?

Vansh: So!! Was wondering why not we do something to kill time (wink)

Riddhima (eyes widened): No need!!! Am going

She tried to get up but in vain. He held her by waist tingling her. He in a glance pulled her beneath him and was on her top glaring her intense eyes which were on him trying to steal glares but it wasn't that easy. He snuggled onto her neck and started giving her wet kisses and the moment his rough lips and beard pierced her skin she started moaning his name and this turned him and he was snuggling on her nape and neck, marking her his. He reached her lips and at first gave a peck and then slowly he started kissing her passionately and when he realised she was speaking about another man, he got wild and was kissing her wildly and their tongues were trying to show their dominance but none gave up. Their tongues were exploring their mouths when they felt sort of breathe, they parted and he saw her closing her eyes in anticipation. He licked her earlobe and kissed it creating sensations in her. He kissed her eyes and she opened her eyes to see his love and care for her in his eyes and she kissed him. She kissed passionately as if there isn't any next moment. Slowly he started undressing her and started marking his marks on her body making her moan in pleasure. He took it slow and was making sure he doesn't hurt her.

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