Chapter 5 - Dejected!!

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The Episode Starts with....

Vansh stared at those eyes of his family which had many questions & confusions. Vansh turned towards Riddhima who was beside him and staring him in disbelief, hate, hurt, broken, dejected expressions. Tears rolled down her eyes. She never expected Vansh to hurt her love, her emotions and accuse her. Seeing him do this and then telling it to be his plan broke her apart.

Vansh: Riddhima Ahana was double crossing me and was with Kabir and I had to save you so I had to do all this am sorry! Actually, Ahana is doctor of Ragini and she helped me in getting Ragini treated secretly away from world and for that she asked me for a promise and at that moment Ragini's life was important so I couldn't deny her and without thinking anything I assured her that whatever she asks for I'll give and later what she demand was to be Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania. And I had to do all this as I realised she's with Kabir and is pretending to be with me and is double crossing me. Kabir wanted revenge from you for arrest of Anupriya so to save you I had no option than doing this to save you.

Riddhima: Seriously Vansh! Do you think you'll ask forgiveness and I'll forgive you as if nothing ever happened? Your family, including you whom I felt loved me has snatched everything from me. You snatched my identity, my love. Your family whom I considered as mine ill – treated me for what I didn't do and today I learn that it was all your plan and you expect me to forgive you! Today I lost everything, your love, my identity, family, relations, trust, everything, what I have or received is betrayal, hatred, dejected, broken heart. This family doesn't value emotions. Your this family doesn't me Vansh! You deserve someone who's like you people who aren't worried or care for anyone; who's cold hearted; who's cunning; who's selfish. But am sorry Mr. Vansh Rai Singhania, this Riddhima isn't fit here. Your family doesn't deserve me. Till today what all happened and which I ignored prove me that neither the family nor you deserve me and am glad at least now I could see the reality. I could see how a person can be put into dark and how the persons feelings are used against them to fool them around. All these days I was fooled and I believed everything everyone said. Isn't this because I think with my heart Vansh! My heart is my weakness and from today this heart would stop responding to anything. From today this Riddhima will start thinking with brain. You snatched my identity, so from today I'll be living with new identity, I don't need your name to have an identity. I had an identity before coming here too so now that's going to be my identity. The Riddhima who loved you is dead!! The Riddhima who considered this family as hers is dead! The Riddhima who was asked to prove her love and loyalty is dead! The Riddhima who used her heart to think is dead! The Riddhima who had dreams is dead! The Riddhima who was a pawn for one person and a game for one is dead!! Mrs. Riddhima Vansh Rai Singhania is DEAD!!!! (broken with tears rolling)

Saying so she left towards her room and was packing her stuff leaving family and Vansh broken. Neither of them reacted as they all her culprits. They who were now aware of all that happened, now realised how they hurt her and are sorry. They realised they are far more late and this led them to Riddhima breaking her ties with Vansh and his family. Vansh collapsed thinking of her words. Every word she spoke had the pain she went through every second in this house. She was broke and the reason was Vansh! That Vansh who once vowed to protect her is the reason for her tears. He could sense the pain behind those tears, those words and her reaction. He though felt that she'd be hurt after revelation, he never ever imagines something sought this would happen. He never imagined her to leave him. The thought that she's leaving him was petrifying. He was lost in his thoughts while dadi felt sorry for not understanding her granddaughter and accusing her of something she never did. Dadi realized she hurt her and is one of the culprit to break her heart. Ishani was confused as she never thought Riddhima to do all this for her and her baby. She dragged Angre into the room

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