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Hazel took her time to freshen up and then comb her wet hair. Meanwhile, Anne had put the caramel pudding in the refrigerator to set and also had the chicken filling ready for the sandwiches. Hazel went into the kitchen and joined Anne with buttering the bread pieces. After a while all the bread slices were ready, toasted and getting the chicken filling on them. In about ten minutes the appetizing and luscious looking chicken sandwiches were ready on the dining table to satisfy all their cravings.

Both the hungry and patient bears hopped on their chairs and enjoyed their meal with utmost delight and satisfaction. Anne was a ketchup person so she kept relishing the ketchup still left on her plate, while Hazel went to fetch the pudding from the refrigerator, which by now should have set. There was no ketchup to be seen on her plate, which was not because she finished it, but because she didn't take any at the first place. Hazel was totally a no-ketchup-cult person. She was more of a mayonnaise or cheese dip person. If not, she'd be satisfied with completely no dip too; but ketchup was a 'forever no'. So since Anne was busy enjoying her creamy, red delight, Hazel brought the chilling sweetness. The girls enjoyed their teeth-freezing deserts soon too. Hazel had narrated the whole experience at this interview in between the meal. Anne was very impressed, both by her friend and the company. There wasn't anything weird about the interview as the previous one. It was a typical interview any company has, so there wasn't much details Hazel sputtered. She said it all in a short 10-12 lines.

So when are you leaving me?

Hey! Don't say it in that way. Ask me when I'll be joining them or something like that.

Ok.... So when will you leave me all alone here and join the new company in your dream-country?

Ughh!! Anne! I'll be the one all alone there, in a totally new and unknown country. You'll be with Steve, wouldn't you? And as far as I remember, you too were finding a job somewhere in another country, weren't you?

Don't gimme that now. Ok, I was. So what? I never said you shouldn't go or I don't like that you're leaving. Huh!! Good for me, I'll have lesser work and the groceries' gonna last longer.

Hah! Look at you, covering up you're own saying. It's ok, it's ok. I know you love me soooo much and you're gonna miss me sooooooo much. But don't worry, we're not in the dinosaur era or something. I'll have video calls with you every day. At least, if I'm not extremely busy, I'll make sure to get to you EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Ok now, stop! So when are you going?

Hazel chuckled looking at Anne, who suddenly went from a brat to a whiney, pouty baby.

Two weeks. I still have two weeks to make you work hard. Buckle up and do all of it, 'cause I know you're gonna miss it.

Hug me! Right this bloody moment!!

Anne spread her arms open for her soon-to-be-leaving bestie and Hazel, wasting no time, wrapped her arms around her too. These two weeks would probably be the best yet worst weeks for both the girls. They knew they had to enjoy the time they have left together. Anne was free till mid-february which was perfect because Hazel was leaving on February 8th. Her flight still not being confirmed, she was hoping for it to be in or after evening, so that she didn't have to hurry and rush right after waking up, which to her was the most difficult and irritating thing. Anne's school would reopen on the 15th. She never understood why the school would always reopen on a Friday after every holiday. What's the logic behind reopening the school on the end of the week and then get the Saturday and Sunday as a weekend holiday again. Weird, but what can be done anyways? The both were somewhat thankful to get two whole weeks before parting from each other, but somewhere both were also sad because Hazel was leaving right before her birthday. It would've been great if she could leave after her birthday and graduation ceremony, but the company only allowed her to visit the graduation ceremony on that one particular day. No other leave. But, ok maybe? Atleast she'll be in the same country as Jhope on his birthday. And Aquarius don't get sad on little matters. She can't sit with this and cry, that's a total waste of time. She'd rather prepare herself and do some research on her job and the environment she'd be in soon. We got better things to do in life than crying, you know? And that is exactly what Hazel did throughout the week, do some good amount of research.

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