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Two weeks passed. Hazel hadn't received any response from BigHit. Did they find other recruits better than her? Maybe.

Today's 6th January. A bright, sunny Sunday. They welcomed 2019 warmly. One of Anne's friend, Kairo, held a new year party at her farm house. Sounds a bit weird? Karolina Maynard actually.

She doesn't like her real name. For her, it's oldschool and too common. Though others never said something like so. Everyone liked her name.

She named herself Kairo and right at the first introduction she'd tell everyone to call her by this name and not her real name. And for the sake of being peacefully alive, everyone obeyed her. Yes, she was a dangerous thing when someone called her 'Karolina'. One of the very known 'features' of a richly spoilt child who has everyone listen to herself.

Anne introduced her to Hazel just a few months ago. They were colleagues. Well, Anne herself was friends with her for just a year. But Kairo being an extreme extrovert, invited both the girls to her party.

Though most of the people at the party were elder than Hazel, she managed to get along with them. She wasn't too outgoing but when she had someone trusted accompany her, she could make some quick connections. Anne specially was the best confidence booster for her.

Hazel wasn't sad that she didn't get any response from BigHit. She knew there'd be thousands of applicants, and many of them would be better than her. But somewhere at the back of her mind she did want to get this job. She wanted this new year to bless her with this job. But maybe this wasn't what the new year had planned to bless her with.

Her college graduation ceremony was in mid February. Three days past her birthday. 15th of February. She was already excited for February.

Now, not having received any response from BigHit, she decided to interview in the two companies which accepted her application. Two of the only few she'd applied for. One wanted a fashion designer. The other wanted a translator. The first would send her to Dubai. The other to Korea.

She did want to go to Korea, but her first priority for now, was better pay. So she decided to try both. If the first didn't recruit her, at least she'd have another hope. She sent both the companies an email informing her interest. And both companies responded with a date fixed for the interviews.

JBP was the one which needed staff for Dubai. It's a good and trusted company. Branches all over the world. A fashion brand which sold everything included in fashion , dresses, accessories, makeup products, shoes, and what not. They were recruiting young designers who were up to date with the trending fashion statements.

SHJ was the one which needed a Korean to English and vice versa translator for subtitles in the variety and reality shows they produced. This too is a well known company. Though specially superior in Korea, it also had branches in China, Japan, and the UK. They were specially looking for someone who could translate to English from Hangul because their international viewers were increasing with a high speed everyday.

JBP fixed the interview on 20th January. SHJ fixed it on 24th. That's good. Hazel had almost two weeks to prepare herself for both the interviews. She was totally free now until she had a job.

A good formal dress was highly needed for the interviews. And she didn't have any. She's always been more into baggy and loose casuals, for any parties with friends she preferred dark denim trousers and a heavy catchy top, and for family gatherings the only preferable clothing type was long but light gowns. Comfort was always Hazel's first priority.

But now it's time to get working. Today is not the right day. Sundays mean crowds. Crowded bussed, roads, shops, malls and everything. So, it's a no no today.

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