Porcelain (Levi x Reader)

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(TW: Mentions of violence and gore)

When you first joined the Scouts you seemed to click with everyone almost instantly, however there was one person who kept their distance from the rest. Captain Levi, apparently he had joined the regiment a few months ago. A former criminal from the underground, rumor has it Erwin dragged him here kicking and screaming. His friends came here with him only to die on their first expedition, he only became more irritable after that.

You don't know why you did it, but one day you sat across from him at dinner. He glanced at you, his piercing gaze held yours.

"You gonna wipe that shitty look off your face (L/n)?" He blurted still glaring at you, "Sorry Captain I just thought you might like some company." You said flatly.

"Tch" he uttered before taking a sip of his tea, come to think of it that's the only thing you'd seen him eat or drink. You offered him some of your bread seeing as he had nothing but tea, his eyes flickered to the bread in your hand then back to you.

"W-what?" He stammered, confusion written all over his face. "Aren't you hungry? I've only seen you with tea, seriously you can have some I don't mind." You pressed.

"Tch, you've already dirtied it with your filthy hand." His voice laced with annoyance. "Thanks." You scoffed. Seriously, you were just trying to be nice but at the same time you couldn't blame him.

"Besides, I like tea more anyways." He said softly. Your (e/c) eyes widened slightly, "Well what exactly brings you to like tea more than actual food?" You questioned.

He hummed as he stood up, and he walked away before you could even say a word. You shook your head and walked to your office. Did you say something wrong? Had you offended him? Maybe it had something to do with his life in the underground. Dammit, there were so many possibilities. Hell, why did you even care? He was rude to you, you didn't even really know him. Yet you wanted to be close with him. You wanted to know him.

You sighed and trotted to your desk shutting your office door behind you. You groaned as you saw the stack of paper on your desk. Wonderful, You thought. Being a Squad Leader meant constant paperwork. You slumped in your chair and began working as the clock softy ticked across the room.

Minutes passed, soft knocks could be heard at your door,"(F/n)?" The Captain's voice said quietly. Concerned, you opened the door and he was standing there, two teacups in his hands. You let him in and he sat one of the teacups on your desk, "You asked what I liked about tea so much, so I thought I'd just make you some." He mumbled pressing his cup to his lips.

You finally snapped out of your thoughts. god, he was so hard to read. You gently picked up the cup on your desk, it was still warm to the touch as the liquid inside was steaming. Porcelain, the cup was porcelain. You tapped the sides of it with the tips of your fingers, liking the way it sounded.

"You're supposed to drink it you know." Levi grumbled. "Have you never had tea, (F/n)?" You liked the way your name sounded on his lips. "Actually I haven't smartass. And when did you get the right to call me (F/n)? It's Captain (L/n) to you, Captain Levi. You said keeping your voice neutral. Why did you say that? He was just trying to be nice. Goddamnit (F/n) why are you like this?

You quickly gulped down the tea, forgetting it was hot. Levi just stood there waiting for your response, "Wow, that's sweeter than I expected. I guess you were right this isn't bad." You said trying to not sound awkward. He chuckled, it was barley anything but you still hadn't expected it. Especially from someone like Levi.

"Well, I did sweeten yours. I drink mine without additives but you struck me as a sugar type of girl. And I'm not big on formalities, and I don't think you are either, (F/n)." He said is his stoic voice.

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