Gentle (Levi x Reader)

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Happy Valentine's Day!! Who's excited for the new episode?? A little PSA, this story will be a lot spicier than my others because this is a Valentine's special. With that said~Enjoy <3
(CW: Heavy sexual implications)

You and Levi had been dating for some time now, you had done all of the regular couple things, except for going...all the way.

You knew about Levi's past and was well aware he was new to romance, you never wanted to pressure him into doing anything he didn't want to and you knew he would never ever disrespect you.

His mother worked at a brothel in the underground. Levi was born there and spent a good chunk of his childhood there. He saw those men—no those pigs with his mother. It broke your heart knowing he had to go through that especially at such a young age.

His mother later passed away from a disease. Kenny took Levi away from that place and honestly, you were grateful for that one mercy in his life.


Things were getting quite heated as you laid on Levi's pristine sheets as he climbed on top of you, removing his shirt exposing his chiseled torso. The movement only deepened your kiss. His hands roamed your body, but never touching anywhere they shouldn't. He began to trail soft kisses to your jaw and down your neck, earning soft sights from you. He stopped at your collar bone right where you shirt was. He glanced up at you tugging at buttons on your shirt, "May I?" He breathed. "You may." You said smirking.

He slowly starting undoing your shirt, he pulled it off of you and his eyes wandered over your exposed torso. "You're so goddamn beautiful.." he said while his hands brushed over your sides, giving you chills.

He starting kissing your neck again, at first just soft kisses with his lips, then with his tongue, then he started to nip you with his teeth. You winced at the contact, you liked it but was new to you. Levi's head shot up to look at you, "I- I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you, are you alright?" He rushed the words out.

"N-no it feels good, Please keep going, Levi." You begged. He obeyed and found your sweet spot as you moaned louder than you wanted to. You threaded your fingers through his silky hair as he continued to please you.

As Levi got lower, and lower, and lower, down your body, you quivered. He paused as he felt you stiffen beneath him, "S-sorry, I went too far..." he muttered shamefully. "Hey it's okay you didn't do anything wrong, I just haven't done anything like this before..I'm just nervous." You cooed.

He finally glanced up at you, his brows drew together contemplating something. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable, I- I just want to make you feel good. We don't have to keep going we can stop at anytime, (F/n)." He Murmured with sincerity in his voice.

You loved how gentle he was with you, his normally cold demeanor always softened when it came to you and you were grateful for that. You lovingly looked up at him and cupped his cheek in your hand, "I'm not uncomfortable, I trust you and if you feel the same...I think I'm ready. I want to, with you..." You trailed off, embarrassed.

Levi hovered over you, a light pink dusting his pale cheeks. "Are you sure? I- I (F/n) I'm sorry I've never done this and I don't- I don't..." He stopped and he just stared at you hoping you'd understand what he was trying to convey.

Then finally it hit you, he didn't want to be like those men he saw with his mother. He respected you with every fiber of his being and loved you, dearly. "You don't want to be like the men you saw with your mother?" You finished his sentence for him so he didn't have to. He squeezed his eyes shut and nodded, "Levi, I trust you and I promise you you won't be like the men you saw with your mother. I've never done this either so we'll go slow but if you don't want to we don't have to, you're safe with me. I'm just happy to be with you, I don't need anything else." You reassured him.

He started to stroke his thumb over your cheek lovingly, "Are you sure?" He whispered softly. "I'm sure, Levi." You confirmed. He leaned into you once more, you felt the swipe of his tongue at your bottom lip.

He broke the kiss and started to trail kisses down your neck then to your chest, he unclasped your bra and began to sloppily kiss your chest. Your moans only fueled him, all clothes eventually came off. And as he promised, he was so very gentle with you, it was oh so perfect. He kissed your neck, cheek, lips and other areas as he took care of you, every movement sent pleasure surging through you.

As you both came to your high, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he grabbed your thighs pulling you closer to him. You both laid panting on the bed, "I love you." He said, his voice still shaky. You smiled, "I love you too." You said nuzzling into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before you both drifted into blissful slumber.

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