The Aisle (Levi x Reader)

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Hello lovelies! This story takes place after chapter 139 so spoilers for that!! This will be more of a Falbi chapter but I promise there's still Levi x Reader content in here. If you don't like Gabi, DNI.

I would also like to add that I'm mainly focusing on writing my "Hearts Of Steel" Levi x Reader fanfic, you can find it on my profile. Onto the story!

"You look so gorgeous!"

You exclaimed as you finished touching up Gabi's makeup, "You think so?" She murmured.

"Well of course, otherwise I wouldn't have said it." You confirmed softly, you knew she was nervous. It was her wedding day after all, later after negotiating with your home - Paridis.

You and the remaining Scouts with the help of Queen Historia, dismantled the Jeagerists' military. There was no threat, things were peaceful. Thus, Falco finally proposed to Gabi.

You were beyond joyed to hear this, Gabi even chose you as one of her bridesmaids. She fought so bravely at such a young age, it broke your heart. You fought alongside her as a comrade, she was only a kid back then.

It's odd, you still remember when she was little. She's grown so much, you were so very proud. She finally saw that there was more meaning to her life than war, she found love.

And she's making it official on Paridis, the Island of Devils. The very people she swore to wipe out, the ones she once held a burning - blind hatred towards. She's getting married here, her home.

With you devils.

With her fellow; beloved devils.

Queen Historia gladly offered to hold the ceremony at her palace, Gabi and Falco were honored to accept.

Gabi was breaking down in tears when you discussed the details of her wedding with her, tears of ecstasy. She profusely thanked everyone, delighted with the arrangements.

You were one of her bridesmaids along with Pieck, Annie, Kaya, Mikasa and Historia herself. Falco's groomsmen were Levi, Reiner, Jean, and Connie. You, Kaya, Historia, and Jean decorated the reception area. A red carpet was rolled over the aisle she would walk on, crocus flowers were placed on the white chairs organized into rows, curtains were drawn for natural lighting, the alter was decorated by Gabi herself.

A priest that Historia trusted most would deliver the vows, Historia's daughter was the flower girl, Gabi carried the rings on a necklace, and Levi would walk her down the aisle.

She didn't have a father, she fought next to Levi. They protected eachother, she and Falco worked as waiters at Levi's tea shop, she saw him as her father figure. She didn't want Reiner to do it, she wanted a devil. She wanted someone who wasn't necessarily family, but felt like family.

Since Levi was mainly in a wheelchair due to the bite wound on his leg, you helped him with physical therapy. You would do exercises with him, massage his leg to prevent cramp ups, and eventually he could stand. You supported him as he practiced walking, when he faltered he would get angry at himself. But, you were there, he would do this for you - he would do it for Gabi.

Eventually, he could stand and walk for prolonged periods of time without needing you to lean on.


Pieck spun Gabi back around after finishing her crown braid so she could see herself, her mouth remained ajar when she saw what she looked like.

"I-I look....pretty."

Pieck placed her hands on her shoulders, "You always look pretty." She grinned. "Do you think...he'll like it?" Gabi asked sheepishly,

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