Filth (Undeground Levi x Reader)

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(This story is a longer one, sorry)

You couldn't shake the feeling, you had been at the bar all evening chatting up costumers as they came in. Your target hadn't come in yet, he frequented this bar and general area often, though you weren't here to get his blood on your hands but rather to observe him and gain his interest so Levi could do the dirty work.

Only, you felt like you were doing the dirty work. You felt so disgusting as these men looked at you like prey, like you weren't a human being. They sometimes got handsy with you and when they did you would discreetly untangle yourself but sometimes they got angry and would cause a scene, at those times you got desperate, forcing you to please their filthy asses.

But, how could you complain? Levi and Farlan had taken you in, they gave you a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in, what food they managed to grasp, and a job. You had done everything in the book, murder, petty theft, drug dealing, the list could go on. And when the gang needed it, you were their bait, their eye candy. You were good at getting information without being suspicious, as you just looked like a mistress and nothing more, oh if only they knew. You mainly were for stealth jobs, Levi was for murder, Farlan was good at talking and deceiving, and Isabel was good at stealing and creating distractions. You and Isabel—being the only girls, had to choose which one of you would be at bars and clubs. Basically being the seductive one. You quickly accepted that role when it was needed, Isabel was like a little sister to you and you never ever wanted her to have to go through that.

Nobody in this hell hole of a city was innocent, but Isabel was the closest thing to innocence. And all you wanted was for it to stay that way. So, you made that sacrifice for her sake.


You held your fruity drink in your hand pretending to drink it, but you saw the bartender spike it—so you decided against that. A man started approaching you, he reeked of alcohol as he put his arm around your waist, you acted as you always did, interested and playful though you were mentally itching to break free of his filthy grasp. But Something quickly snapped you out of your hasty thoughts, it was your target—sitting across the room at a booth.

You purposely spilled a little bit of your drink onto the man holding your waist, "Damn bitch!" He barked as he stormed away to go clean himself up. You worked your way through the crowd as casually as possible, you sat by your target and as soon as he took a look at you, you knew you had him. You sat next to him, his eyes were glued onto your chest occasionally looking at your face and brushing his fat fingers through hair, you wanted to vomit.

He pulled you closer to him and he began to grope you. Mortified, you offered to grab him another drink. Not that he needed it but it was the first thing that came to mind, he hastily agreed. You quickly got up and ordered the man a scotch, you showed a little bit of your cleavage purposely...the bartender gave it to you on the house. God, these men were like dogs, so easy. You sat back down and slid the guy his drink, "Good girl." He cooed. Oh—if you could've killed him right then and there you would've. Instead, you smiled. You quickly picked up on your targets name which for some reason, Farlan never told you. His name was Leonard.

You somehow failed to notice the large men standing across from Leonard, they were some of his business men. This was going perfectly. You had him exactly where you wanted, he was at your mercy now. He motioned for you to sit on his lap and you couldn't refuse, you wrapped your arm around his neck and he slid his grimy arm around your thigh. The men began talking to him and you acted clueless, though you were picking up on every detail.

One of the men glanced at you, then asked you to leave so they could talk alone, but Leonard insisted that you wouldn't snitch and that you were a quote, "Fine little lady." You had to hold in your laughter. The men rolled their eyes as they began going into important details regarding their business and shipments. See, Leonard was a rich man who sold drugs and other goods in the Underground. You were here to gain his trust, get him to reveal the details of the shipments, so you, Farlan, Levi, and Isabel could ruin their deliveries and snag the goods for yourself to make profit from. And when you successfully ruined their business, Levi would end Leonard as he was walking garbage of a human being and when his business crumbled he would be of no use to you anymore.

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