Forever (Injured Levi x Reader)

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(TW: Mentions of gore)

Hanji was the one to break the news to you, Levi was hit with the shrapnel of a thunderspear in close range. Zeke Jeager had betrayed you. Hanji lead you to a safe house on the island and you walked through the hallway shakily. It felt as if you were moving in slow motion—you hated this feeling.

Hanji explained the gruesome extent of his injuries and that he might have some internal damage to you—But nothing could've prepared you for what you saw.

Laying on his back, you could see two angry lines ripping down his cheek, eye, and lip. He had an additional four smaller wounds on his other cheek. He was also missing two fingers.

You let out what was between a sob and a scream, Hanji gripped your hand tightly. "(F/n) I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. But he'll be okay." They sounded tired, their voice was hoarse. You glanced back at Levi, his chest softly rising and falling, then hugged Hanji. Tightly, they wrapped their arms around you. "You have nothing to be sorry for, it's not your fault. Zeke Jeager is at fault here...and thank you. Thank you so much-" you choked back a sob, "He wouldn't be here alive without you. I can't thank you enough." You hissed.

Hanji pulled back and looked at you, tear streaks still present. They just looked at you with grief and understanding. "You should rest, I'll take it from here." You said concern filling your scratchy voice. They nodded slightly and slowly turned to walk out.


After Hanji left you quietly closed the door and walked over to Levi, he was still unconscious. Despite his wounds that would fade to scars and would stay with him forever, he was still beautiful. He had always had scars, each one telling a different story but these new ones were different. They felt..almost sad if that made sense.

You trailed your fingertips down Levi's face avoiding his fresh stitches and pressed a chaste kiss to his forehead. Pulling up a chair to his bedside, you sunk down in the chair and took his hand in yours. You checked his pulse, it was faint but nonetheless—definitely there. Tears swelled in your (e/c) eyes as you finally let it all out. You sobbed quietly beside your unconscious lover until you fell asleep.

You awoke to muffled noises, he was awake. You sat up and he opened his eye, "F-f/n?" He said sitting up but quickly hissed a breath at the pain. "It's okay, you're okay. Lay back down, I'm here." You whispered gently pushing to lay back.

"W-what happened? Wait...o-oh" He rasped.

"I'm guessing you remember but Zeke betrayed us, you were hit with the shrapnel of a thunderspear." You tried to spare him the details but as he reached up to caress your cheek he saw his hand and stopped. His eyes widened as he let out a shaky breath, he pulled his hand to his chest. "What exactly happened to me, (F/n)?" He pressed.

You winced, "I wasn't there but Hanji said they found you in a field half dead. They stitched you up, you probably already realized that since your eye is stitched shut.'re missing those two fingers." You trailed off as you saw his lip quiver. "C-can I look..?" He stammered. "Levi I don't know if-" you were cut off when Levi spoke, "Plea-please..." He begged.

You sighed and walked over to to a small desk, you pulled out a hand mirror and gave it to him. He stared at the mirror until he uttered the words, "I- I look...disgusting" you twirled around to meet his gaze, "No no, Levi no..." you felt a lump form in your throat.

"You're not disgusting, Levi. This doesn't change how I see you, y-you didn't deserve this. You're still my Levi, I still love you. And I always will,  forever." You desperately needed him to understand that you loved him. You gingerly stroked your thumb over his torn cheek, you tried to find words but none came to mind that could explain how much he meant to you and how much you loved him. Scars or no scars, he was yours.

You took his ruined hand in yours and brought it up to your lips, you gently planted kisses to his knuckles. You pressed another gentle kiss to his chin, brushing against his lips. "I do Levi, I really do love you. Now please, please let me take care of you." You pleaded. Levi squeezed his eye shut, fighting the tears. "Thank you, thank you (F/n)." He hissed.

"I need to wrap your stitches if you'll let me, Hanji cleaned you up but they wanted to let your wounds breathe. However to keep from them getting worse or infected...they should be bandaged." You said lightly, Levi nodded and you grabbed the bandages Hanji left with you.

You were used to patching up wounds, as you had done it thousands of times after every mission. Almost nothing fazes you anymore but wrapping Levi's face felt different. All you felt was remorse. You almost wished you were still fighting mindless titans.

As you finished wrapping his face, you laid a gentle kiss to his temple. "You're still as stunning as ever, my love." You whispered breathily. Your gaze drifted back to Levi, as you saw his eye never left yours, "Stay with me...?" He questioned. You smiled softly as you sat next to him, "Forever."  You promised.

A/N: Sorry this story was a little shorter than my last but I hope you enjoyed (:

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