Your Body (Levi x Pregnant Reader)

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A/N: I've noticed that in all of the fanfics where the reader gets pregnant she always keeps it which is unrealistic. Especially in AOT fanfics where the reader is a Scout and fights titans on the daily. So, I've made one where the reader decides to not keep the baby. Just remember - your body, your choice.
(TW: Mentions of abortion and vomiting)

Oh god, it was happening again - you were throwing up your guts into the trashcan for the third morning in a row. Why? Why was this happening? You had been training pretty hard maybe it was that? You had been putting on a bit of weight, especially on your stomach-


No, no, no, no, no! Goddamnit! You started getting lightheaded as flashbacks from your heated nights with Levi ran through your head. No—you had been so careful, how? There was time. One time where you forgot, shit. You stumbled to your feet but collapsed on the floor, it all added up.

You were pregnant.

With Levi's baby.

Your emotions all started to bubble up as hot tears streamed down your face, you couldn't have this baby. It was scandalous, and you're a Scout - a Squad Leader at that. You wouldn't be able to fight, you would probably die before your child reached the age of three. This would ruin your body. All of your dreams would be crushed, everything you've worked for—gone.


You didn't even want a child, you had already dedicated your heart to humanity. But, what would Levi think? Does he want a child?  Would he leave you if you decided to get rid of it? Would he think you're a monster? Your worried thoughts clouded your head, not allowing you to think clearly. You sobbed on the floor while clutching your stomach instinctively. One particularly loud sob ripped through your sore throat and you heard frantic footsteps approaching.

"(F/n)? (F/n) are you okay? Can I come in?" Levi called. You shakily stood up and leaned against the wall. "N-no! I'm fine-" You answered, your raspy voice betrayed your blatant lie. You were in his room, his bathroom. He could just burst through the door if he wanted to. Instead, he simply asked to see you.

"Levi, I'm fine!" You cried. "Then can you open the door? I'm worried about you, I just want to see you." Levi begged.

You sighed and cracked open the door a hair, "(F/n)—" Levi began. You opened the door a bit more but felt the bubbling in your throat again, you quickly reached for the trashcan and slumped to your knees.

You vomited again, Levi rushed to you with one hand holding your hair up and the other rubbing soothing circles on your back. He was probably grossed out, probably. But nonetheless, he was still by your side offering you comfort. That soothed your shot nerves a bit.

"I'm sorry." You mumbled as you pulled back. Levi looked at you, concern gracing his usual stoic face. "Don't apologize, I'll clean up, you rest okay? You're not working today." He urged while brushing your hair back from your face. You glanced up at him trying to see if you should tell him, you decided against it.

He helped you to your feet and sat you on the bed, only you still couldn't relax. Your hands rested on your stomach without you realizing it. When Levi finished cleaning he came and sat by you,

"I'll run by the doctors and get some medicine for you, okay?" He sighed. "No Levi, I'm not sick." You insisted. "You just emptied your entire stomach in the trash, I think it's safe to say you're sick." He retorted. You thought about it for a minute, "I don't think I'm sick, I-I think.." You stopped.

He paused for a second as he pieced everything together, "No.." Levi gulped. You looked at him, blinking away the tears that dared to form in your eyes. "(F/n)...I-" Levi rasped. His eyes were wide as he winced, "I-I'm so sorry." He tried to process what you were conveying.

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