Just Cotton (Levi x Period Reader)

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(TW: Mentions of blood)

After retaking Wall Maria a few months ago, things had been a little more relaxed at HQ, Hanji who was now Commander of the Scouts was working on rebuilding the regiment. You spent time with cadets and trainees, doing heaps of paperwork, and helping out at Queen Historia's orphanage.

Things weren't perfect, they were busy yet enjoyable, peaceful as there weren't any expeditions coming up.


Your eyes slowly fluttered open as the sunlight spilling through the window lit up your bedroom, you looked over at Levi who was sleeping peacefully next to you. It was rare he ever slept in so you savored this moment, you smiled and pressed yourself against his back. He groggily rolled over to face you, he wrapped his arm around your waist and nuzzled his face into your chest.

"Good morning, love." You whispered, "Nngh morning.." Levi groaned in response.

He was so cute like this, he started to wake up a bit more and finally sat up. He lovingly brushed his fingers through your (h/c) hair, "Would you like some tea?" He mumbled, "That would be nice." You cooed your voice still raspy from just waking up. Levi crawled out of bed and stretched a little.

You sat up and slowly stumbled out of bed when you felt something run down your leg...no, no, no, damnit! You thought to yourself, it was blood. You had gotten your period for the first time in years. You were used to never getting it as your body was under constant stress, you were working out everyday and all you ate was watery soup and bread. Whenever you did get it, it was nothing more than a few light pink spots. But this, it was a lot.

It finally hit you, you had been under a lot less stress, you had been working out but not even close to as much as you were used to, and Sasha's village brought meat to the Scouts frequently because they were able to hunt again. You were healthier, but your period had resumed....great.

You glanced over at Levi's normally perfectly white sheets—oh god, there was a huge bloodstain. You gasped, Levi's head shot up to look at you and when he noticed your wide eyes and panicked expression he quickly became worried. "(F/n)? (F/n) are you okay? What's wrong-" He stopped when his eyes traveled down your body and saw the blood running down your leg. His eyes became wide with concern as he rushed over to you.

You finally snapped out of your thoughts and started apologizing profusely, Levi just looked at you. He seemed.....confused? You started tearing off his sheets so you could wash them, Levi stood there very confused as to why you were apologizing. But then his eyes flickered to the stain, "Oh." He breathed.

"Are you okay?" He asked. You expected him to be angry, "Y-yeah but your bedsheets, I'm so sorry I didn't mean t-" You stammered but you were cut off when Levi took the sheets from you. "(F/n) it's okay I'll do it." He insisted. You were mortified, "No, Levi stop I'll do it—I'm so sorry I didn't-" Levi cut you off, "Hey, it's okay you didn't do anything wrong, go clean yourself up okay?" He urged.

You winced and paced to the bathroom. God, why now? He probably thinks you're gross. You thought as you cleaned yourself. Out of all the times this could've happened, of course it happened now. You walked out of the bathroom and saw him examining the stain before leaving it to soak in cold water. You stood there unable to think, "Are you okay?" Levi whispered walking to you. "Yeah I'm fine, I'm really so-" He cut you off once more, "Please don't apologize, it's not your fault. It's natural I get it." He murmured lovingly stroking your hair, "But your sheets-"

"(F/n), it's just cotton." He sighed. You nodded, instinctively burring your head into the crook of his neck. "....would you still like some tea?" He asked, "If you don't mind." You replied. He walked out to go put some on as you sat on his couch, your cramps were starting to kick in. Damn, you forgot how painful they were. You curled up and tried to get comfortable but it was impossible considering it felt like someone was repeatedly punching you in the gut.

Levi walked back in and noticed your state of discomfort, "(F/n)?" He gulped rushing to you. "I'm—fine" You hissed gritting your teeth, "You don't look fine." Levi mumbled. "It's just cramps, I'm not used to them." You grimaced. His brows drew together with concern, "This might help." He whispered handing you a cup of tea, you sipped it and it tasted slightly different. "What's in this?" You asked quietly, "It's herbal tea...I overheard Petra and another female soldier taking about how it helped their cramps so I-I just figured I'd make you some." He turned his head, seemingly embarrassed. You smiled, oh how you loved this man dearly.

"Thank you." You breathed pressing a kiss to his forehead. He looked up at you, a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. You patted the spot next to you and he sat down. You curled up next to him still sipping on your tea. "(F/n)?" He murmured "Yes?" You replied.

"If this happens again, please remember it's just cotton."

A/N: Me again, so in a lot of Levi x Reader fanfics I've noticed that Petra is almost always the rival or suck up to Levi. But I promise not to do that, I'm a Petra stan <3

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