Sealed Feelings (Levi x Reader)

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Hold Me - Tors

Levi Ackerman never once uttered the words:

'I love you'

But as his girlfriend, you knew that. He had other ways of telling you he cared, making you tea, small touches here and there, asking you to help him clean, and lots of head pats. But you still longed for those three words.

'I love you'

You knew that he didn't necessarily know how to love, life was so cruel — so damn cruel, to both of you and as a result Levi was such a cold soul. But that soul had a soft spot for you, those slightly calloused fingers felt like silk to you. You showed your affection to him gradually — and a week ago, you told him you loved him. He didn't say it in return though, you were so beyond embarrassed. You tried to not take it personally as he was foreign to the concept of romance, but god, it hurt.

You couldn't help it, you're only human. But of course—Levi is human too, just like every single one of of us. He has his scars, fears, and dreams. That's what you tried to keep in mind even though you were slightly hurt, and that hurt slowly morphed into anger. You should've known better, shoving your feelings down and bottling them up only makes you fly into a fit of rage. Tonight was no exception.


"Levi?" You whispered,

"Yes..?" He murmured. "Are you okay? You look frustrated." You pressed. You were both doing paperwork in his office, he had a contorted look on his face. "I'm fine." He grunted.

"Sure, you know you can talk to me right? I'm here for you." You sighed. He glanced up at you,

"Where is this coming from? And where are you going with this, (F/n)?" He glared. You were taken aback, seriously you were just trying to be nice,

"Nowhere, I was just asking. You're not like your normal self." You put lightly.

"Quit acting like you know me." He hissed. You turned away from him, not wanting to look at his face. "I know you." You murmured. Levi slammed his fist on the desk, you flinched as it startled you.

"Damnit (F/n)!" He yelled, "Stop this! I can't take it anymore! Stop being so, so-" he paused, "You're dismissed, (L/n)." He commanded.

You sat there, in complete shock. You had never seen him this angry, and he hadn't called you by your last name since you started dating, which was one month from a year ago.

"No. Tell me what's wrong." You ordered. "Tch, did you not hear me?" He retorted. "I did, but there's clearly something wrong. I care about you." You proclaimed.

"STOP IT! STOP! (F/n)-" He choked. Your wide eyes started to water, "I'm s-sorry." You muttered and began to walk out. "You don't care about me." You heard Levi whisper under his breath.

You whirled back around, "Really?! Because it doesn't seem like you care about me either!" You screamed. "I do!" Levi admitted, "Then at least act like it!" You growled. "Tell me you love me. Please tell me that y-you love me, please." You sobbed.

"I love you." Levi said flatly. It was what you wanted to hear yes, but he didn't really mean it. "No you don't." You scoffed. "W-wha..?" Levi stuttered. You glared at him, "You don't love me." You repeated. "I just told you I-" You cut him off, you started giggling, then laughing. You were laughing loudly, you held your head in your hands and continued to cackle.

Levi looked scared almost, you were snapping. "I'm such an idiot—god I'm so stupid." You chuckled while tears streamed down your face, "I should've known it would've ended up like this." You gulped while starting to storm out.

"I'm sorry." You whispered, your voice was deathly quiet. You walked out and slammed his door behind you, running to your bedroom. You shut your door and slid down the back of it. You sobbed, you were probably going to lose the man you loved. And he didn't even love you back.

You were so blinded by anger that you failed to see how sad he looked during your argument. An hour or so passed, your sobs had quieted and you were now laying curled up on your bed. Someone started knocking on your door, you were annoyed and not in the state to open it as you guessed you looked terrible. You ignored it,

"(F/n)? I'm so sorry, can you open the door so we can talk?" Levi urged in a hushed tone. You wanted to run to the door and throw your arms around him, but your anger still lingered and your pettiness got the best of you. You didn't answer—silence. "I understand, I'm so sorry—please just take care of yourself." Levi begged. You heard his footsteps fade away, so you stumbled out of bed as you still saw a shadow of something beneath your door.

You cracked open the door, he had set a box outside your door. You looked around before opening the door and taking it. You opened the box, it was full of wax-sealed letters. All addressed to you. You carefully opened the letter placed at the top—it was from three years ago. They were all from Levi to you, they were filled with small little moments between the two of you, he wrote all of his feelings towards you in his letters. He was surprisingly very mushy-gushy and romantic. After every letter he wrote at the bottom, "I love you, (F/n)" or "I love you, brat"

you were now crying happy tears. These were so sweet, you were absolutely keeping these forever. The letters ranged from when you first met which was about three years ago—to a week ago. He explained how he didn't know how to love and how he was scared, he wished he said those three words back. All of his wax sealed feelings were inked onto the letters.

God, you felt awful about what you had said. You gingerly places all the letters back neatly, and scrambled to your bathroom. Brushing out your hair, splashing your face with water, changing out of your uniform. And quickly paced to Levi's office. You needed to apologize, you needed to see him, you needed him. You finally reached his door, you let out a shaky breath before knocking. You waited about three seconds before the door flung open "(F/n) I'm so sorry, please I didn't mean what I said. I understand if you're angry, you have all the reasons in the world to be but if you need me I'm here." He cried. You smiled, slumping down in his arms as he picked you up and shut the door behind him. He sat you down on his couch,

"So...those letters. Did you really mean what you said in them?" You mumbled. Levi paused for a moment, "Yes I did, I meant every word. I'm sorry I'm not good at communicating my...feelings so I wrote what I was feeling. I couldn't say it out loud to your face, I'm so sorry." He confirmed. "It's okay, I understand. I'm sorry for getting angry, thank you for the letters. They really mean a lot." You bit your lip. "I think we should try to talk to eachother more, so this doesn't happen again." You suggested, Levi agreed.

Levi smiled, he smiled. He stroked his thumb over your cheek and slowly leaned in. He kissed you, and you kissed back. You forgave him, and finally really understood how much you meant to him. "Would you like to stay here for the night? It's late." He asked, his pale cheeks were tinted pink. "I would." You smiled.

You crawled under his sheets, they smelled just liked him. He laid down next to you and wrapped his arm around your waist, you snuggled into his chest.

"I love you."

He promised barley audible.

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