As The World Sat Still (Levi x Dying Reader)

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(TW: Mentions of violence and gore)

And just like that, you were falling. You were falling straight into a titan's mouth, your gear had malfunctioned due to the rainwater. You tried to grapple onto a tree but the three titans around you swatted your hook away, you only had your current worn blades and a single other pair.


This was it, you dedicated your heart and fulfilled your duty. Your squad's blood was still painted on the forest floor, their screams of fear and regret still rang in your ears. You assumed the rest of the formation's scouts were dead or preoccupied because they hadn't responded to your signal flares. You and your squad had sent at least 30 rounds into the sky. No one was coming.

You gripped your blades tighter and yelled, if you were going down—you were going down fighting. You recklessly attempted a last minute maneuver—grappling onto the tree behind the hideous creatures and swinging around to slice their nape, eventually crashing onto the ground hoping someone would find you alive.

You succeeded in your first part of the plan but when you got to the last titan, another appeared out of nowhere. It grabbed you and bit into your stomach, you screamed in pure agony. It had ripped through your lower abdomen and you were furiously trying to slice it's jaw in your haze of adrenaline. But you gave up after 10 excruciating seconds, your voice became hoarse but you were still screaming bloody murder.

"AHHHH, HELP ME! PLEASE SOMEONE—AHHHHH!" You hated how pathetic you sounded, but you wanted to live. Who could blame you? Your eyes became heavy and you finally accepted your fate.

"(F/N)!" Levi roared as he cut into the titan's jaw freeing you. He quickly grabbed you and as gently as he could, flew through the trees with you in his arms. You opened your eyes slightly, his expression looked terrified and filled with worry. You cocked your head to the side to look at your wound, it was bad. You were drenched in your own blood, you could see some of your organs, your uniform was torn and tattered, your blood was spilling out of the the titan's teeth marks. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried not to scream, cry, and vomit. It only escaped your lips as a whimper but Levi still noticed and you could hear him stifle a sob.

He had been your best friend for about three years, but you started to harbor romantic feelings for him a year ago. Oh how you wish you had told him sooner. It didn't matter anymore though, you were going to die—you were going to die in Levi's arms. At least it was with him, at least he was still by your side until the end.

Levi landed on his horse and darted out of the forest, his arm was wrapped just below your chest as to not worsen your injury. "Hang in there, okay?" He cried softly. You didn't respond, you knew you couldn't promise him that you would. You made it out of the forest, his horse was galloping full speed back to the wall. Levi was grunting while he was trying to get his horse to go faster and he was trying to make sure your heart was still beating.

Suddenly, his horse slipped because of the slick grass. You both landed with a thud, "Damnit!" He screamed, "(F/n), please—please don't leave me. We will make it b-back to the walls and you'll be fine..." He tried to convince himself while he cradled you with all the reverence and gentleness in the world.

You opened your eyes to look at him, you knew you were beyond saving. He was calling for his horse, you couldn't see much because of the rain and your blurred vision. You reached up to cup Levi's face but you pulled back when you realized your hand was soaked in blood, his head shot back to you and to your surprise—he grabbed your hand back and pressed to his cheek, he didn't seem to care about the filth. He placed his hand over your own,

"I'm s-so sorry, (F/n) please—stay." He begged. You did your best to offer him a small smile, "You know...I-I always pictured me this." You whispered.

"No! Don't say that! You have to stay! Just hold on, please.." A few tears started to roll down his face. You hated seeing him like this, "I" You mustered those words with all of your strength. Levi's breath hitched, "I love you too." He choked.

And just for a moment, the world sat still. He pressed his forehead against yours and held you close, he took off his cloak and laid it over you to shield you from the downpour, it began to rain harder as the sky fogged even more. It seemed the heavens were mourning your death. You leaned up a little bit, pressing a soft kiss to his lips as a goodbye. Your vision darkened and you suddenly forgot all your pain, "Levi...I-I can't see you." You murmured barley audible. He held your head in his hand, "I'm here."

And as the world sat still, you stole your last breaths before everything faded into nothing, only Levi's touch lingered in your mind as you left.


How you wished you could've.

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