Difficult Decision

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The hollow felt exactly as its name indicates: empty. Void of sound. Void of life. Void of Jewel. It just wasn't the same anymore, living in that hollow without her. Even the children had lost their energy. Blu just couldn't fathom it.

He missed coming home to see her tidying up or enjoying the sunshine just outside the doorway. The light always radiated off Jewel in a way that made him stop and stare, without fail.

Now, coming home to see nothing made the pain of his loss worse. He couldn't bear the thought of living there anymore.

"Kids," Blu called. "Come here for a minute."

All three of them flocked down in front of him, frowns on their faces, but a hint of curiosity in their eyes.

Blu heavily sighed before asking, "How would you like to move to the town I was raised in?"

"Rio?" Bia solemnly asked.

"No, Bia. Moose Lake."

"What's a Moose Lake?" Tiago asked.

"Typical," Carla retorted. "You don't know ANY places." Tiago shot an annoyed look.

"Moose Lake, Minnesota," Blu explained. "It is in the Northern Hemisphere, not anywhere close to Brazil."

"We can't fly that far," Bia answered. "Besides, we have already made our home in the Amazon with the tribe. Why would we throw all that away to go to your hometown?"

Blu smiled at Bia. "You're a lot like your mother. That's exactly what she'd say." He rubbed her cheek with his wing. "But you, of all birds, should know why. This hollow -- this forest -- reminds us too much of her. It will do us no good to stay here if it just keeps bringing us pain."

The three children looked at each other before looking back at Blu. "But what about Pop-pop?" Carla asked. "He'll be so far away."

"He'll make do without us. He has before."

"Do I not have a say in this?" Jasmine asked, walking up from behind.

"Of course you do, Jazz," Blu answered.

"Well, I say that a trip to -- what was it? -- Moose Lake, would be well worth a try. We all need to get back to our lives, and being constantly reminded of Jewel won't help us any. Let's take a breather, and maybe we can come back here, to the Amazon."

The three of them all shrugged their shoulders and agreed: they were going home.

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