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Darkness; so unbearably dark it hurt her eyes to even attempt a glance around the room. But what happened, exactly? She remembered being in a small dining area, with a wooden table that seated exactly four. There was this monstrous man. Kimura. That's right. His name was Kimura. He'd invited them to dinner to ask or explain something. They hadn't even had dinner when this.. oh. Now she knows. Kimura held a grudge against them, and therefore led them into a trap. That man with the robotic arm... something seemed off about him when he walked into the room.

FLASH! A sudden burst of light blinded her. The door, apparently right in front of Linda, swung open with intensity. "Linda Gunderson," the fat man bellowed. "Stand up."

Linda began to obey the command, but Tulio's hand grasped her arm, a look in his eye begging her to be careful. She touched his hand in understanding. "Don't worry."

Sudden pain in her wrist -- he grabbed and yanked her hard enough to make her believe he'd broken it. She nearly flew headfirst into the table.

Slamming the door behind him, Kimura demanded, "What makes you think you can just barge into my tower and demand answers from my secretary?"

As she winced from the sharp pain in her wrist, Linda answered, "In case you've forgotten, that was the site of my friend's bookstore. I have EVERY right to demand answers."

"It is not your property anymore! It is mine!" He shouted angrily.

"That's the first thing you've gotten wrong. I said 'MY FRIEND'S' bookstore. Not mine, anymore."

Kimura's anger elevated a bit more. "No matter, Gunderson! It does not belong to anyone but myself."

"How did you steal it from my friend? You bribed Martha, didn't you?"

"On the contrary," Killian answered. "She agreed to work for us."

"Liar!" Linda raged. "She wouldn't work for a group of psychopaths!"

"You're correct," Killian agreed.


"We gave her something to drink. But unbeknownst to her dull mind, she became a hypnotized servant of ours."

"You didn't!"

Killian grasped Linda's arm. "Oh, yes. We did. And now, it is no longer something one has to drink." Killian held a spray bottle in his other hand.

Rio: Reign of TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now