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"A cage? You never mentioned being imprisoned." Jasmine began to panic.

"Calm down. It is only temporary, until we reach Minnesota. I'll be with you all the way," Blu reassured.

"I'm not so sure about this, but I'll try." Jasmine walked up to the cage, took a worried look around it, and hesitantly put one foot in.

"It's not so bad. A little restricting, but not bad. Just like your home, only man-made and smaller."

"Very restricting, I'd say," came another bird's voice. They both turned to look at the the parakeet that spoke.

"Thanks for your input, sir," Blu answered.

"No gratitude is required."

Blu squinted in confusion and looked at his sister, who shrugged her shoulders.


"Well, are we ready to go?" Linda asked.

Boom! Crash! Clang! "Just a minute... Linda. Just looking... for my scarf."

"Your scarf? It's in your bag, remember?"

"Oh, yes." Tulio came stumbling out from behind the jeep with a bag under each arm and two more in his hands. Two jackets lay over his shoulder.

"Prepared, much?"

"Can't be too ready. Besides, I remember how cold Minnesota is."

"That's because you came during winter. Summer down here is winter up there."

"I must remember that. The two hemispheres are very different."

Rio: Reign of TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now