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"Might I ask what we are doing back in Rio?" Jewel asked

Blu looked at Jewel, a tear in his eye. "We thought you were... gone. But it turned out that you're..."

"Still alive," Jewel finished.

"Yes," Blu broke down in joy, right in front of the kids. "But we are not in Rio."

"What do you mean?"

"We are in Moose Lake, Minnesota. My home."

"What?! Blu, why?" Jewel seemed startled. "You left daddy, Mimi, and Roberto to come to YOUR home?"

"Jewel, I thought you were dead. Staying in the forest was too painful to bear because everywhere I looked, I thought of you."

That softened Jewel's attitude toward him a bit. She could understand the pain; Eduardo did pretty much the same when the leader died years ago. "So, how is your old home?"

"That's the thing, Jewel. Nothing is the same. That's why we are HERE in this room."

"What is different?"

"Everything. The bookstore, the coffee shop, the bench the geese teased me from; all gone. Replaced by a mysterious man's tower and all his technologically advanced businesses."

"Wow! bookworm much? You are mincing words."

"That doesn't matter much, now does it? I'm just frustrated that this stranger thinks he can take over a nice little town."

"There's nothing we can do about that, Blu. We have no say in what the humans do," Jewel explained.

"I agree," Jasmine chimed in.

"Well, I disagree. We need to find out how they took over Moose Lake so easily. I know the person Linda sold the store to; she would not just willingly hand it over to a stranger. Something's wrong."

"Blu, just calm down," Jewel tried to assure. "Maybe nothing's wrong, but it appears that way. Things change. You know that."

"I refuse to believe that there's no foul play. Martha wouldn't sell the store even if you paid her a million dollars."

"If that's what you're thinking, I can't change your mind, and likely neither could the kids or Jasmine."

"He does get a bit stubborn sometimes," Jasmine backed Jewel up.

"What I can do, Blu, is recommend that we check out the warehouse I was kept in."

"You remember that?" Blu was a bit suspicious.

"My memory is improving, but slowly," Jewel explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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