The Cabin

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9:00 P.M. This wooden structure stood alone amidst vines, trees, and other shrubbery. One lantern lit the very end of a crude stone pathway, on which Linda and Tulio now stood. Her fist was raised to knock, but doubts were beginning to rise.

"I'm not so sure, anymore," she told Tulio.

"We made it all the way out here. We should find out what he wants."

Linda bit her lip as she turned to face the door again. With every ounce of courage, she managed three loud taps.

"Will be with you shortly," an accented voice responded.

The absolute silence was deafening. They waited at the door for a minute, anticipating his greeting. When it finally did come, they were still surprised; even moreso when a giant stood in the door.

"May I help you?" he asked.

"We received this invitation," Linda held the envelope. "You told us to meet you here."

"Ah, yes," he grinned. "I have been waiting for you. Come in. Take a seat."

The room they walked into smelled like lavender, being lit up by candles with that specific scent. For a man his size, the cabin was surprisingly small, but he somehow managed to strut around freely. A table for four sat in the middle of the space, an elaborate spread on top of it.

"Take a seat. Get comfortable," he repeated, grinning rather oddly.

Tulio sat at the head, Linda to his right side. Kimura seated himself opposite Tulio and just stared. He stared with an annoying amount of tenacity.

"So, why are we here? Are we going to have dinner first?"

"Please wait. I have more company coming." He sounded gruff in his statement.

Then came the sound of a car door. But what was most rivoting about the sound was the high pitched, mechanical screeching that followed it. Thump, thump, thump, THUMP. The footsteps echoed off the stone pathway. The handle turned...

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting," Killian stated as he entered.

"There was no wait. They have just arrived," Kimura answered.

"Great. Let's have some fun, shall we?"

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