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"I don't like this," Jasmine told Blu.

"Just calm down, don't panic," he reassured. "Linda won't just leave us here. Besides, think of this as just a smaller version of home, enclosed in concrete."

"That's just it. Being trapped inside concrete walls with no way out. I don't want to be some human's PET." Jasmine gave Blu a menacing glare right in his face.

"Being a companion isn't so bad, but I understand."

Blu began looking around, trying to find some place in the artificial trees to sleep for the night; no place in sight. He figured they'd just sleep on the floor for now


Blu was a hard sleeper. Nothing could wake him up very easily, which is why he only slightly stirred when the leaves rustled nearby. It took Carla shaking him to awaken him from sleep. "Dad, wake up!"

"Mmm.... wh... what is it?" He looked around and saw Bia and Tiago hugging each other and Carla standing alarmed over him.

"Somebody managed to sneak in here. It's been terrorizing us for almost 5 minutes now." Carla's voice was shaky.

A shadow suddenly blocked out the light shining directly on Blu. With the light coming from behind the figure, it was hard to tell exactly who was there. The only thing they could tell was that the stranger had a slender figure; until she stepped closer.

"Jewel?!" Blu was bewildered. "You're... alive?"

Blu attempted to fly toward her, but she opened her wings, an angry expression on her face, ready to lunge at him. It was when he got within 5 feet that Jewel assaulted him.

They tumbled all the way to the ground, landing with Jewel's full weight on top of him, her talons gripped tightly around his throat.

"J... Jewel..." he gasped. "It's me,"

Jewel kept that freaky grin plastered on her face, as if she was enjoying killing Blu.

"Jewel... please!" Blu was grabbing at her foot, but to no avail. He was losing his consiousness.

"Get off of dad!" Carla, Bia, and Tiago all pulled Jewel off of Blu, giving him a fresh burst of air. He lay on the the floor, breathing heavily, regaining his senses.

Jewel, however, was none too pleased. With every ounce of strength, she sent all three of the kids somersaulting across the room. Jewel bolted at Blu again, grabbed his feet, and flew straight up, slamming him against the ceiling. This made him feel that old injury in his wing again. Jewel slashed Blu's back as he fell, getting a loud scream out of him.

Jewel landed on the ground next to him as Blu lay there stuggling to get up. "Your humans aren't coming to save you, and your friends aren't here to help, either," she threatened. "Looks like your time has come!"

Just when Jewel was ready to slash Blu's throat, he turned and grabbed her foot, slinging her over his head and slamming her into the ground. The kids came back and pinned her wings to the ground whilst Blu attempted to reset her memory.

Blu threw his first punch. "Do you remember me at all?"

"Die, you pest!" She attempted to throw everyone off, to no avail.

He let her have another hit to the face. "I am your one and only. You don't want to kill me."

"Yes... I.. do!"

Blu unwillingly jabbed at her a third time. "Jewel, think about Terrin, Nigel, the forest fire. We fought through them together, remember. What about our kids?"

Jewel appeared to have a slight flashback, but gave back into her mindset.

He hit her for the forth time. "What about our journey through Rio, to the Amazon, to your family. Remember none of that?"

Jewel shook her head, the memory appearing to reset itself. "Blu? Wh... what are you doing?"

"Not getting off that easily. What's the last thing you remember?"

"I remember being strapped inside a cage with a tall, black bird. He... set me free?"

Blu and the kids let off, him being happy and angry at the same time. "Jewel... I thought you... you were..."

"Dead," she finished. "And I should've been. But I was rescued."

Blu gave her a hug, crying, as did the kids. There was a wonderful moment of joy amongst them.

"Oh my!" Jewel gasped. "Jasmine's tied in the corner."

Rio: Reign of TerrorWhere stories live. Discover now