Good Ol' Moose Lake

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Freezing temperatures. Again, they'd forgotten that it was winter time, even after Linda had said it was so back in Brazil. They dressed themselves like an Eskimo; however, Blu only wore a scarf.

"You... d... didn't tell meee... it was this cold," Jasmine stuttered.

"I'd been in the Amazon so long, I forgot about it myself. Sorry Jasmine."

In the passenger seat, Linda studied a map, trying to navigate their way back to the town. It had been so long that she forgot how to get there from the airport. "It should be just a mile or so down this road, then take a left," she told Tulio. He followed her instructions, but what they found when they finally came within sight was not what they expected to see.

"Oh, no. No, no, no," Linda cried when she stepped out. Blu and the kids also gawked at the horror before them. "Where is the store?"

The town, once known to have dainty little shops and cafés, was now dominated by more modernized buildings, high tech vehicles, and one skyrise in particular; Kimura Enterprises. Though it was winter time, this town, or city, looked like it was an oasis. No ice lay on any stretch of the road, only a few icicles here and there on the buildings.

"I am going to get to the bottom of this..." Linda muttered. Carrying Blu's cage in her hand, she attempted to storm into the lobby of the skyrise; but an automated system stopped her and asked for ID. "Linda Gunderson Monteiro, not like it matters to you," she shouted into the camera.

"Identification accepted."

Linda stomped up to the receptionist, interrupting her polite welcoming of the guest. "I demand to know what has happened here!"

"Excuse me?" The receptionist was confused.

"Where's my bookshop? Where is the little café I used to go to for lunch? What happened to all of it?"

The receptionist pressed a button on her ear piece and muttered something under her breath. Two armed men walked up behind Linda and said, "I am sorry, miss, but you'll have to leave the premises."

"Not until I get answers."

"Not an option. Let's go." They grabbed both of her arms and proceeded to drag her outside.

"Au revoir, Blu," another parrot ominously saluted.

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