Chapter 14

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A/N: Hope everyone had a good holiday.  Mine was spent at work, then at home, then back to work.  But, I got some awesome Doctor Who stuff and ate a great dinner cooked by the husband, so it wasn't all bad.  


After I returned from dropping Edward off, I was a wreck. I'd almost lost it as I'd watched him board the plane. It was stupid. I was going to see him in a week, and it wasn't like I wouldn't be talking to him.

I had to roll my eyes at myself. I was being absurd.

"You okay, baby sis?" Em asked as I walked past him.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a bit sad that I won't see Edward on Christmas."

"Who says you can't?" he asked, throwing an arm around my shoulders. "There's this wonderful invention called Skype. I'm sure the two of you can figure out a time to talk."

My eyes lit up at the idea. Sometimes big brother had good ideas, and this was one of them. I gave Em a hug and a kiss on the cheek as I thanked him, giggling when he made a disgusted face.

"Don't tell Jasper, but you're my favorite brother," I whispered to him.

"Yes! I knew it!" he shouted, punching the air with a fist.

Rolling my eyes at my goofy brother, I headed to my room and pulled out my phone. I sent Edward a text even though I knew his phone was shut off. I wanted him to have something waiting for him when he turned it back on.

I spent the rest of my day, holed up in my room, busy wrapping presents. I tended to wait until the last minute to shop for presents and with so many people in our family, it was sometimes hard to sneak away. I'd ordered some stuff online and had it delivered to the police station so that my nosy siblings couldn't get to them.

Of course, once I'd ordered Dad's gift, I'd had it sent to the Cullens so that Dad wouldn't open it. He was as bad as Emmett. He'd shake the damn thing until it broke, and I couldn't have that.

Yesterday, I'd gone and collected all the gifts so that I could begin wrapping them. Our sad tree had a total of two presents under it. I'd put out presents for Jasper, Rose, and Mom. Dad, Emmett, and Alice would have to wait. They were shakers and some of the stuff I had bought was fragile.

I had just finished wrapping up a new video game that I'd bought for Emmett when my phone buzzed. Grabbing it, I was thrilled to see that it was from Edward. It was a quick text saying that he'd arrived safely and he'd talk to me later.

I texted him back telling him that I loved him and was glad he'd had a safe flight.

It was silly how one little text from him, made my day. Boy, I had it bad. If we weren't careful, we'd end up acting like my mom and dad. All sweet and googly-eyed, unable to keep our hands or lips to ourselves. Not that that would be a bad thing.

My gaze fell to the wrapped box that was sitting on my bedside table. Edward and I had agreed to wait and exchange gifts when he got back. I'd had no idea what to get him and then last week, he'd been complaining because his watch had died. I checked with Esme and Carlisle to make sure they weren't getting one, before buying him an awesome Doctor Who pocket watch.

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