Chapter 19

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A/N: Thanks for all the awesome reviews. Only one or two more chapters left. Now this chapter has a lot going on and not all of it is fun. On you go. I'll see you at the bottom.


"Whoohoo! Spring break, baby!" Emmett hollered down the hall as he ran toward the doors.

"Emmett Swan! As long as you're in this building, the rules still apply," Mrs. Shapiro warned him.

It was hilarious watching as he deflated at her chastising before he walked as quickly as he could toward the school doors.

"I swear, he's just an overgrown child," Bella said as we followed Emmett outside. She'd gotten her cast off the week before, and she was glad to be free of it and the crutches.

"I think you're right, sweet girl," I said, chuckling before I pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"Are you ready for camping Swan style?" Emmett hollered at me as I walked Bella toward my car.

"Not really," I honestly answered. I'd never really been camping before. Not in tents. Carlisle's idea of roughing it was to rent a fancy cabin in the woods, and Mom … well, she didn't camp at all.

The Swans went camping every spring break, and I'd been invited along. It wasn't like I'd had any plans. Mom had tried to get me to visit her in Florida, but I'd politely declined. So when Bella had asked me if I wanted to camp with them, I'd agreed.

"You'll love it," Bella assured me as we pulled into my driveway.

"I'm not so sure about that. I'm not a big outdoorsy person. Hell, I hate bugs," I admitted quietly.

Bella let out a snicker. "You'll do fine."

We spent the afternoon curled up on my bed, watching movies until Bella needed to head home. Her parents were picking me up at three in the morning, so that we could begin the six hour trip into Canada. It was a good thing that my passport was up to date. From what Bella had told me, we'd be camping at a place called Golden Swan National Park. They'd be going there every spring break for years, and all week had been told about the beauty of the place.

A little after six, I dropped Bella off at her house before heading home, packing, and trying to go to sleep. I tossed and turned most of the night, finally falling asleep a few hours before my alarm went off.

By two forty-five, I was ready with my bags by the door. Carlisle and Esme had gotten up as well to say goodbye and wish me luck.

"Don't get eaten by a bear," Carlisle said with a grin on his face.

"Well, darn. There go my plans," I replied sarcastically.

At three on the dot, Charlie pulled into the drive in a rented van, and I hugged and said goodbye to my folks before heading outside. Charlie greeted me with a smile, tossed my bags in the back of the van, and told me to get in.

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