Chapter 8

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A/N: Thanks for your patience and wonderful reviews.  I apologize for not responding to them.  I've got a lot on my plate and never enough time it seems to get everything done.  *sigh*  I'm out of town this weekend, so you're getting this a day early.

I'm also 13,000 words into a new fanfic that I'm writing for Nano.  Only 37,000 more words to go.  I can do it!  Maybe.


I'd been kissed before but never had a kiss affected me the way Edward's had. It hadn't even been a full-on makeout session, yet my lips were still tingling hours after.

I would never forget the look in his eye when he had realized that we were alone. Our lips had gently brushed against one another, parted, and then tongues touched. It had literally taken my breath away.

Now, as I lay in my bed, I couldn't help but touch my fingers to my lips and relive the kiss over and over. I couldn't wait until I could kiss him again.

My dreams that night were filled with wonderful visions of Edward and as I woke up, I couldn't wait to see him. It wasn't until I was in the shower that I realized that I wouldn't see Edward until after work.

I drove to school, parked in the lot, met up with my siblings, and walked into the building.

It seemed that all the school was talking about was the fight between Edward and James. I rolled my eyes at some of the more outrageous tales that people were telling.

I got to my locker and could barely contain a groan as I spotted Jessica and Lauren hanging out at her locker. Sucking it up, I strolled down the hall and opened my locker, ignoring both of the girls. Unfortunately, they didn't ignore me.

"Is it true, Isabella?" Lauren asked, tossing her hair behind her shoulder.

Continuing to ignore her, I took books out of my bag and exchanged them for other books.

"It is true, isn't it? The reason that Edward and James were fighting was because Edward found out that you were screwing James."

I rolled my eyes at her ridiculousness, not bothering to respond. I closed my locker and started toward my first class with Jessica and Lauren trailing behind me, harassing me the whole way.

I saw Mrs. Riley, my History teacher, standing in the hall near the door to her class. I headed toward her, Jessica and Lauren still behind me. I wasn't about to get into a fight with them, but I wasn't opposed to getting them in trouble.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Riley?" I asked as I approached her.

"Good morning, Bella. How are you?"

I shot a look at Jessica and Lauren before I answered Mrs. Riley.

"I'd be better if Jessica and Lauren would stop harassing me," I began as I heard the two girls begin to protest behind me. "They've been following me since my locker and calling me names."

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