Chapter 6

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A/N: So last week I was ill, this week I tripped and fell down my steps and broke my wrist.  Typing this up with one hand in a cast was a bit of a trial. Anyway, here you go.


I had a date with Edward, I had a date with Edward, I had a date with Ed—

"Bella? You okay, hon?" Mom asked, interrupting the thoughts that kept circling around in my head.

"Sorry, I'm fine. Got lost in thought for a moment," I told her.

"Hmm. Would that have anything to do with a certain young man who's been hanging around here?"



"Yes! It has to do with Edward. We're going out on Friday night."

Mom let out a squeal that I thought only Alice could pull off. She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a tight hug.

"Oh, my baby girl's going on a date!"

"Mom, it's not like I've never been on a date before," I said, prying her off of me.

"I know, but this is the first time you've gone on a date since we moved here. And that Edward is such a nice young man. Cute, too."


"What? I'm just saying," she giggled causing me to roll my eyes before leaving the room to do some homework.

Work that night at the diner was pretty slow and uneventful until Jessica and Lauren showed up. It was the first time I'd had to deal with them while working there. Most of the time, my patrons were families with young kids or old men. Rarely did I ever have to deal with kids from school.

I barely held back a groan as I watched them take a seat in my section. Mustering up a smile, I headed toward them, mentally preparing myself for their bitchiness and insults. Although, perhaps Jessica would be on her best behavior seeing as how her mom was working the counter.

I knew the minute they saw me approaching their table. They immediately began whispering to each other and snickering.

I handed them their menus and asked them what they wanted to drink. After serving them their drinks, they placed their orders. Of course, they choose to place the most complicated orders I'd yet to receive.

"I'll have the turkey club on whole grain wheat with a side of light mayo, a sprinkling of lettuce, two tomatoes, and a dash of mustard," Lauren said with a fake smile.

I rolled my eyes as I wrote down her order, knowing that she'd get whatever our cook, Embry, gave her. I turned to Jessica to get her order, knowing she'd be just as difficult.

"I'll take the chef salad with no fat Italian dressing, no tomatoes, no onions. I want the eggs chopped, and the cucumbers thinly sliced."

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