Chapter 17

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A/N: I'm looking at about three more chapters, I think.  We'll see.  Thanks for all the awesome reviews.  I've been an epic fail at responding back to them.  I have no excuse.  Well, that's not true.  I have a ton. Lol.



I woke up Monday morning with a smile on my face. I had one of the best weekends of my life. The highlight, of course, being the dance that Alice and I had orchestrated. I had been thrilled when Bella went along with it, and I could definitely say that the Swan/Cullen dance had been far better than any school dance I'd ever been to.

"Hey, Edward? Don't forget you have a dentist appointment at eight-thirty," Carlisle said as he poked his head into my room. "I already called the school and told them you'd be late."

In all truth, I'd totally forgotten about the appointment. Grabbing my phone, I sent a quick text to Bella letting her know that I wouldn't be riding with them, and I'd see her later.

By nine, I was grumpy and my jaw ached and the last thing I wanted was to go to school, but I headed there anyway. I'd had to have a cavity filled, and I wasn't too happy about it.

When I got to school, I ended up parking in the boondocks and trudged my way toward the building.

"Did you hear? He totally broke up with her. That's why neither of them showed up to the dance," I heard a girl say to her friends as I walked by.

I didn't really pay much attention seeing as how the halls were always filled with gossip.

"He looks pissed," another girl whispered, not so quietly.

"That's because he caught her cheating."

At that I whirled around and looked at the girls who were hovering a bit too close to my locker.

"Told ya. He caught her cheating with some guy and broke up with her. Can you believe that? She cheated on him, on Valentines."

As much as I wanted to say something, I couldn't actually prove that they were talking about Bella or myself.

Turning back to my locker, I grabbed my books and headed down the hall. I spotted Bella walking toward me, and the minute she was within reach, I wrapped her up in my arms and laid one hell of a kiss on her.

"Well, good morning to me," she said, when I finally let her up to breathe.

"Good morning, love."

"Not that I minded, but you're not usually one for PDA. Let me guess? You heard the rumors and decided to lay them to rest?" she asked.

"Something like that," I said with a grin, leaning down for one more kiss.

"Knock it off, you two," Emmett growled from behind me.

Reluctantly, I let Bella go and said my goodbyes before heading off to class.

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