Chapter 11

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A/N: So, after re-writing this chapter three times, it's finally done.  I'm not completely satisfied with it, but it is what it is.


By the time Friday had rolled around, James had gone M.I.A. His parents had told Charlie that James was out of town visiting relatives, but none of us bought it. Seemed a bit too convenient, plus James' car was gone as well.

When Bella had told me that she'd seen James' car near the diner, it had taken everything in me not to panic. I didn't know what I'd do if something happened to Bella.

Since that night, James nor his car had been spotted, and I admitted that I felt a bit of relief when I realized he wasn't in school.

However, that didn't stop his friend, Alec, from trying to make my life miserable. Thankfully, the Swans guarded me well.

"Edward! Don't you need to leave if you're picking up Bella?" Esme called through my door.

Crap! Looking at the clock, I realized she was right.

I'd begged Bella to let me pick her up and take her home on Fridays. I'd wanted to do it everyday, but she told me no. Bella said it was stupid of me to waste gas when she was perfectly capable of carpooling with her siblings. We'd finally compromised. I was allowed to get her on Fridays and only Fridays unless I was willing to trade-off carpooling with the others.

I was fine with that, so it was decided that we'd sit down over the weekend and figure out a carpooling schedule that way everyone saved a bit of gas.

While money wasn't an object for me, something I was still slightly uncomfortable about, the Swan kids worked hard for their money. I hoped that Bella wasn't going to spend a lot of money on me for our date. I had nothing against her paying, well … okay, it bothered me slightly, but I didn't want her to go broke paying for a nice dinner. She worked too hard for her money, dealing with bitchy teenage girls and cranky old men. I mean, it wasn't like she hadn't taken me out before, but I really didn't want her to go overboard with the spending.

After the quickest shower known to man, I threw on a pair of faded jeans, a t-shirt, and a hoodie. I shoved my feet into my shoes, said goodbye to Esme and Carlisle, and ran out the door.

Two minutes later, I ran back in to grab my backpack and wallet. I had no idea why I was so scattered brained.

I pulled into the Swan's drive, got out, and rang their doorbell. I was greeted by Renee, handed some strange muffin looking thing, and then hugged and kissed by Bella.

Once in my car, I looked at the muffin thing in my hand.

"Is it safe to eat?" I asked before backing out of the drive.

"Uh …" Bella trailed off.

Feeling slightly brave, I brought the muffin to my mouth and took a small bite. Immediately, I wished that I hadn't. It was positively disgusting.

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