Chapter 10

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A/N: Thank you for being so patient while I got this chapter out and a huge thank you to those who didn't demand or beg for an update.  The past week and a half has been busy at work with me putting in well over 60 hours.  On top of that, my sleeping schedule was all messed up, and I was attempting to write this chapter, the next chapter of MTL, and finish NANOWRIMO (only 5000 words left to hit that 50k word mark, and once this story is done, I'll be posting my nano story).  So, thank you again.


I was lying on my bed, reading a book and scrolling through my MP3 player trying to find something to listen to. Nothing seemed very appealing, so I stuck the stupid thing on shuffle and what did it do? It played all the songs I couldn't stand. Huffing, I turned the stupid thing off and tossed it on my nightstand.

I was so freaking bored. My book didn't hold my attention, I'd finished my homework, and I had the night off from the diner. Sighing, I headed down the hall and threw myself on the couch and stole the remote from Jasper.


"What? It's not like you're watching anything," I retorted.

Scowling, he crossed his arms over his chest, but he didn't move from the couch.

I flipped through the channels aimlessly finally settling on some stupid show about beavers.

"Really, Bells?"

I shrugged. "There's nothing else."

We sat in silence, learning about the mating habit of beavers when Emmett came into the room and tossed me my phone.

"Ed's calling for you."

Immediately, I answered the phone.

"Hey!" I said, happy to hear from him, and I headed toward my room, not wanting two nosey brothers listening in.

"Hey," he said and immediately I knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

"I got run off the road on the way home," he said, and I let out a gasp as tears formed in my eyes.

Just the thought of him being hurt or killed destroyed me, and the tears began to flow in earnest.

"Please, don't cry, Bella," I heard him beg.

"You could've been killed! Or seriously hurt! I'll cry if I want to!" I snapped, wiping at the tears with the back of my hand.

"Please, Bella," he begged again. "It's breaking my heart to hear you crying."

The boy was too sweet. Sniffling, I did my best to quell the tears and after taking a deep breath, I felt a bit calmer.

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