Chapter 9

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A/N: I was half asleep when I wrote this, so I'll apologize right now for any and all errors.  I re-read it, but that doesn't mean that I didn't miss something.  Please forgive me.


My alarm went off at four in the morning, and I let out a curse as I slammed my hand down on the offensive clock, effectively silencing it. Today was the day that I would be going fishing with not only my girlfriend's father, but her brothers and uncle. I only hoped that I came back.

I stumbled into the shower before getting dressed and quietly making my way downstairs. A little after four-thirty, I got a text from Emmett letting me know that they would be there in a few minutes. I decided to wait outside for them, so that they wouldn't honk and wake Esme and Carlisle up.

A few minutes later, an old Suburban pulled up with a fancy fishing boat hooked to the trailer. I opened the back door and climbed into beside Emmett.

Chief Swan bid me good morning, handing me a cup of coffee which I gratefully took. I wasn't normally a coffee drinker, but I'd need it today.

"Thanks, Chief Swan."

"You can call me Charlie, son."

Well, all right then. I was introduced to Harry right after that, and I told him it was nice to meet him.

Settling back into my seat I sipped my coffee as Jasper snored in the seat in front of me. About an hour later, we pulled onto a gravel road and drove for miles before coming to a small parking lot. Charlie had us all get out while he put the boat into the river with the help of Harry.

Gathering up the gear and the coolers, Jasper and Emmett and I made our way down to the rickety dock, where we handed Charlie and Harry the coolers and gear.

"Alright, Edward. Step aboard," Harry said with a grin.

Gingerly, I stepped onto the boat, trying not to freak when the whole thing wobbled. I'd never been on a boat before, and I just hoped I didn't get sick. Once I was on, Harry pointed me toward a seat to the left of the steering wheel, and I gladly sat down. Next came Emmett who took a seat at the back and then Jasper who took the seat next to me. We were each handed life jackets which I eagerly put on.

Charlie untied the boat from the dock, took a seat behind the wheel, leaving Harry to perch in a chair at the front of the boat. It didn't look safe to me at all, and I hoped like hell he didn't fall out.

Charlie started the engine and clutched the side of my seat as he took off. We drove out for a while until we reached a spot on the edge of the river. Fishing poles were handed out and then I was handed a cup of worms. I wasn't a squeamish kind of guy, but I wasn't a big fan of worms.

Taking a worm, knowing that all eyes were on me, I slowly slid it onto the hook and looked to Charlie for approval. He shot me a thumbs up then stood up and came over to me.

The next fifteen minutes were spent with Charlie teaching me how to use a fishing pole. I'd never realized how complicated it was. I figured you baited it and tossed it in the water.

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