Chapter 3

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A/N: Started to post this chapter then realized it was missing half the chapter, so sorry for the confusion.  It's been a busy week.  Spent a majority of it in Chicago and went to see an Ed Sheeran concert.  If you haven't listened to him, I urge you to do so.


"How was school?" Carlisle asked as I climbed into the car after saying goodbye to the Swans.

I shrugged. "It was alright."

After that, awkward silence filled the car as we drove toward Port Angeles. We pulled into a Volvo dealership and the next few hours were spent test driving cars and listening to Carlisle haggle prices. Finally, I was driving off the lot in a brand new shiny red Volvo. I was in a bit of shock as I followed Carlisle home. I had a car! No, I didn't just have a car. I had a brand, freaking new car!

I pulled into the garage beside the Mercedes and got out. Carlisle was inside already, and I thanked him once again once I saw him.

He waved off my thanks. "Well this way, you don't have to worry about your old man forgetting you," he joked.

I wasn't sure how to respond to that so I just gave him a small smile.

"Anyway, I wanted to give this to you as well," he said, handing me a credit card.

I took it from his hand and stared at it. I'd never had a credit card before.

"This is not to be used for frivolous things. It's to be used for gas, buying school supplies, clothes, food, and on dates when you have them. I'll be checking the statements every month and if I see any stupid purchases, I'll take not only the card away but your car. Understood?"

"Yes, sir. Thank you," I said, still staring at the card. "Um … what's my limit?"

"There isn't one."

My jaw dropped, and I just stared at Carlisle. What was he thinking giving me a card with no limit?

"That's why I'll be checking the statements."

I nodded. "Got it."

I mumbled out a thanks again and ran upstairs. I could hear my mother's voice in my head, warning me that Carlisle was trying to buy my affection, but I chose to ignore it.

I dug out my homework and finished most of it quickly before turning my laptop on and logging into my email. I'd sent out several emails to my mom and friends and had hoped to hear back from someone, but I hadn't.

Next, I logged into my Facebook account and updated my status, bitching about the weather in Forks. Moments later a friend request popped up. Opening it, I saw that I had a request from Emmett Swan. Immediately, I accepted his request and as soon as I did, I got requests from all the Swan kids. Woot! I'd just upped my pathetic friends list by five. Go me.

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