Chapter 7

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A/N: I apologize for the delay and any errors in here.  I'm sick, broken, and tired, but I did it.  I got the chapter written, and let me tell you ... it was a doozy.  I had a hard time writing this and it's a bit shorter than normal.


I was unbelievably nervous. Sweaty palms? Check. Butterflies in stomach? Check. On the verge of puking? Check.

"Shouldn't you be leaving? You don't want to be late picking Bella up. That wouldn't make a very good impression on the Chief," Dad said, scaring the crap out of me as he entered my room.

I glanced at the clock, realizing he was right. Okay. I could do this. It wasn't like I'd never dated before. But, I'd never dated Bella Swan before.

I headed downstairs and was about to head out the door when Esme stopped me.

"That's what you're wearing?" she asked with a disapproving look.

I looked down at myself, not seeing what the problem was. I was wearing a nice pair of jeans with a dark green sweater and a polo underneath.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

She shook her head as she got up off the couch, took my arm, and dragged me back upstairs. I impatiently waited as she dug through my closet.

"Here," she said, thrusting some clothes at me. "Wear this."

Huffing a sigh, I took the clothes and stomped into my bathroom. I quickly changed and was actually pleased with the outfit that Esme had picked out. Dark pants, dark shirt, and a pinstripe vest. It looked good.

"Much better," she said when I exited the bathroom.

"Thanks," I told her as I rushed back downstairs.

I grabbed my keys and ran out the door. The last thing I wanted was to be late for my date with Bella.

I pulled into the Swan's drive with ten minutes to spare. I got out of the car, wiped my sweaty palms off on my pants, and rang the doorbell.

I was greeted by a stern looking Chief Swan; not the Chief Swan I'd gotten to know. Then again, I hadn't been about to go on a date with his daughter before.

"Good evening, Chief Swan," I said.

"Edward," he said in a curt voice.

He gestured me in, and I followed him inside to the living room where he crossed his arms and gave me a stare. I did my best not to fidget, but I had a feeling I was about to be interrogated. I wasn't sure I liked this side of the Chief. I was mentally preparing myself for the questions he was about to ask when Bella came running into the room and told the Chief to behave.

"Fine. Just remember Edward, that I'm the chief of police. I can make you disappear if you hurt my girl. Got it?"

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