Chapter 2

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A/N: Thanks so much for all the wonderful feedback from the first chapter.  On you go.


 I let out a huff as I climbed into Emmett's jeep. He and Rose were fighting about something, and I so didn't want to hear it. Impatiently, I waited for everyone to get their butts into gear and climb in. We were going to be late, and if there was one thing I hated, it was being late.

We arrived at school with a few minutes to spare, and I dashed to my locker. As I shoved my coat in it and grabbed my books, I heard Jessica Stanley talking about a new kid. Dr. Cullen's son from what I gathered. I didn't have time to dwell on it. I didn't honestly care, although I did feel a pang of pity for the guy. Being new sucked. Two years ago, we'd been the new kids. We'd been living in Alaska until then, when Dad decided he wanted to come back to Forks. He'd grown up here and missed it, so we'd moved.

Classes dragged on and on, and all anyone was talking about was Edward Cullen. By the time lunch arrived, I was sick to death of hearing the kid's name. It was ridiculous how the pathetic idiots at Forks High got so worked up about some newbie. It wasn't like it was Rob Pattinson Now, that was a man I could get worked up over. Hell, I'd rather get worked over by him.

As soon as I paid for my lunch, I sat down at the table my family and I shared. My parents, Charlie and Renee, had adopted my cousins, Alice and Emmett when I was five after their parents had been killed by a drunk driver. Then four years ago, Mom and Dad became the legal guardians of Jasper and Rose Hale. Jasper and Rose's dad, an old friend of my dad's, was in the military and had been sent to Afghanistan, so Mom and Dad had taken them in. Two years ago, their dad had been killed in an explosion. They loved Mom and Dad, but neither of them wanted to be adopted, so my parents respected their wishes.

"New kid is staring at you," Rose said, drawing my attention back to the table.

I turned my head and sure enough, bright green eyes were staring my way. Immediately, a blush took up residence on his cheeks and he turned his gaze away. Cocking my head to the side, I realized he looked a bit like Rob Pattinson. Hmmm.

"Someone's got a crush on you," Emmett said with a grin.

I tossed my apple core at him. "Oh, shut up. He's probably just like the rest of the losers at this school. Take a look at who he's sitting with."

New boy was sitting with some of the not-quite-popular, but not-un-popular crowd. Mike Newton, who acted like he was God's gift to women. He wasn't. He'd tried to get me to go out with him, but I'd shot him down more times than I could remember. Next to him was Tyler Crowley. A guy who had a hard time taking no for an answer. My knee to his balls had convinced him I wasn't interested. Then there was Eric Yorkie. Yorkie was a nice enough guy who just happened to have lousy taste in friends. I bet if you got him away from the assholes, he'd be a pretty decent guy.

As for the girls. Ugh. Jessica Stanley and Lauren Mallory. Jessica's hair was living in the 80s and for some reason she thought we were the best of friends. I couldn't figure out for the life of me where she got that idea. I could barely stand her. She was a horrible gossip and loved spreading rumors. Lauren Mallory was the school slut; it was a known fact. Just like it was known that she hated my guts. The feeling was mutual.

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