Chapter 11

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I spent two days trying to get my bearings. I needed the time to process what I saw in Michael's mind. After two weeks I had managed to pick out certain memories instead of seeing them all at once. I also managed to get him to do what I wanted without any complaint. He said that I made great progress and as soon as Cole returned he planned on giving a full report.

During those two weeks I had managed to avoid Vida, but as I walked back to my room it was starting to look like that was no longer possible.

"Ember!" She yelled.

I stopped where I was and didn't move a muscle. I'm sure she knew what I was capable of, but still she wasn't afraid.

"Can I help you?" I asked when she approached.

Her fist came flying out and collided with my face.

I stumbled backwards, my hands flying up ready for another punch. Vida wasn't finished yet. She threw more punches at me and deflected them, but didn't try to hit her back. Fighting back wouldn't get me anywhere.

"How dare you kiss Cole!" She shouted. "You knew that I loved him and still you kissed him anyway! You are the worst Ember!"

I lowered my hands and let her punches collide with my face until I fell to the ground. She climbed on top of me and continued to punch until dark spots began to dance in my vision. I could easily fight back. I could easily use my ability and tell her to walk away, but I could tell that she needed this.

Even with darkness eating away at my vision, the punching stopped and I could tell somebody pulled her away before I passed out.


I slowly opened my eyes and winced at the bright light. Everything was blurry and had no idea where I was.

"Are you okay?" A disembodied voice asked.

"Who?" I asked stupidly.

The person sitting with me let out a deep laugh. It was Cole.

"Perhaps Vida gave you a brain injury with how hard she was punching you," he commented, laughing still.

I moved my arms and tried to get up, but Cole gently pushed me back down. "You're not going anywhere just yet. Vida gave you quite the beating."

"Sounds like her," I mumbled.

"Do you know what it was about?"

I opened my mouth, but then closed it again. It was a stupid thing to get into a fight over and nothing worth sharing, especially with Cole. "I don't know," I said instead.

Cole nodded his head. "Do you at least know where you are?"

I tilted my head and looked around the room. "Our room," I responded, smiling slightly.

"That's right. Our room." He raised his hand and gentle caressed my face, brushing my hair out of the way. "You rest. Vida gave you quite the beating."

I smiled a little and closed my eyes again. Cole didn't leave my side as far as I could tell.


I opened my eyes slowly and the only light in the room was the lamp by the bed. Something was different this time a round. There was an arm draped over my abdomen and holding on to me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Cole's face nestled up against my back between my shoulder blades. 

"Cole?" I whispered.

"Hmm?" He mumbled against my back.

"What are you doing? Don't you have a bed of your own?"

"Sure I do," he responded, his voice muffled by my t-shirt. "I just happened to fall asleep here with you."

Cole's arm around me tightened and he pulled me closer. "Michael told me that you are ready to go on missions."

"Why have you ignored me for so long and now you are giving me attention?"

"I was trying not to fall for you. It seems that I have failed incredibly at it. However, I'm glad that I failed. I like being here with you."

I rolled over so I could face him. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and smiled. I could get lost in those eyes. "I like being here with you to."

Cole placed his hand on my face and gently kissed my lips. I couldn't help but kiss him back.

"We should probably get some lunch," he said, his lips still close to mine. 

I pushed myself down a little ways an laid my head on Cole's chest.

He rested his chin on top of my head. "I guess we really don't have to go anywhere, but people might start to get a little suspicious."

"I don't care what people think," I mumbled against his shirt. "I'm tired of caring what people think. Nobody controls me anymore."

"Can I ask you something," he asked after a moments silence. 

"Sure," I mumbled. 

"What did they do in Thurmond to you? Did they hurt you?" His voice was serious, but laced with concern. 

For a moment, I hated him and wanted to be out of his arms and far away from this room. However, just as quickly as that hate came, it faded. I always knew that sooner or later I was going to have to relive what happened in Thurmond. I wasn't going to be able to avoid it forever no matter how hard I wanted to. I didn't want to say the words out loud, that would only make things worse. Perhaps I could show him instead. 

I placed my hand on his arm and focused on my days in Thurmond. The images of the camp appeared in my mind's eye and I hoped that I was sharing them with Cole. I decided to show him everything and not hold anything back. I had nothing to hide after all. I showed myself being torn away from parents; the scientist figuring out what color I am and trying to kill me; the fantasies me and the other girls came up with in our cabin; the constant guns pointed at our backs; the occasional kid dying from exhaustion or because PSF; me fighting back. I showed him beginning all the way up until meeting him. 

Cole touched my face and made me look up at him. "We are going to end these camps and make sure that children everywhere are safe. They will never hurt you ever again. I promise you Ember."

I hated when people say that they promise. A promise meant nothing unless you were willing to live up to it. So far, nobody has been willing to keep their promise to me. The fire in Cole's eyes told me that he was willing to go to any lengths to get what he wanted. In a way it scared, but it also made me want to be apart of what he had planned. 

I wrapped my arm around Cole and hung onto him tightly, hiding my face deep in his chest. Nothing was going to take this feeling away from me. 

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