Chapter 8

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"Ember! Ember, we'll find you! I promise!" 

I awoke suddenly, my hair clinging to my face and my clothes clinging tightly to my body. Sweat beaded my forehead and I pushed my hair back out of my face. I could've sworn that I heard my mother calling for me. 

I  leaned forward placing my head in my hands. I hadn't thought about my parents much since I got here and now my I was dreaming about my mother. 

"Oh look who's finally awake," Vida said walking into the room. "You missed out on breakfast by the way." She sat down on her bed and looked over at me. 

I looked right back at her keeping my eyes fixed on her smug face. 

"I honestly think you want to die," she continued. "Why else would you be starving yourself to death. You're going to pass out during training today. I can already see it."

I let out a sigh and stood up from my bed. "I would really appreciate it, Vida, if you kept your snide comments to yourself." 

At the moment Cate walked into the room holding a fresh pair of clothes for me. It was a good thing she came at that moment because I was so ready to punch Vida in the face. 

"Ember," Cate began, "some things are going to be changing."

I took the clothes and looked up at her. "Like what? Perhaps a room away from Vida?" Having my own room and being away from Vida was starting to sound like a really good idea. 

"Actually, yes. You are getting a new team all together and you won't be a part of my team anymore."

"Who's team will I be joining then?"

"Cole Stewart's team, which is quite surprising because he likes to to work alone."

Vida jumped from her bed at the sound of that news. "She gets to work with Cole? She just got here!"

Cate let out a sigh and put her hands on her hips. "Calm down Vida. This was not my decision. If I had a choice then she would stay here with us. However, Cole asked for her specifically and no one had any objections except for me. But as you can tell, I was overruled."

"Why would Cole ask for her?" Vida looked back and glared at me. No matter how much she tried not to show it, she was in love with Cole and me being around was not helping. I was her competition and by the looks of things she had lost. 

"Vida, please contain yourself," Cate said. "Ember, Cole is on his way down here to show you to your new sleeping quarters. 

Cole on his way right this second? I could feel the heat rushing around my body and I was instantly reminded of the shower room. 

I shook my head to clear myself of those thoughts and quickly changed into the fresh pair of clothes. Cate helped me gather the few things I had and then there was a knock on the door. I froze instantly and I knew that it had to be Cole. 

Vida walked over to the door and opened it wide. "Hello Cole," she said in a sweet voice. 

"Vida." He nodded his head politely to her, but stayed in his military stance. "Hello Ember. Are you ready to go?" He stayed standing firm, his voice all business. This could perhaps be for appearances sake or this was the real Cole. 

I grabbed my bag and nodded my head silently. I didn't need give Vida anymore reason to hate me when we barely knew each other at all. I followed Cole out of the room and silently down the hall. I stayed quiet, not having any idea on what I should say. Cole still looked professional and never wavered.  

We stopped at a door and he opened it up, allowing me to go first. There were only two beds in this room and placed on opposite sides of the room. That's when I realized that I wasn't getting my own room, but was sharing with Cole instead! It felt like I could faint or even scream. What was this guy planning?

Cole stepped into the room and shut the door behind him. The moment the door latched, he dropped his military façade. "Relax and make yourself at home. You can have that bed." He pointed to the bed that I was closest to while he took a seat at his own. 

I dropped my bag to the ground and put my hands on my hips. "What exactly are you plotting, Cole Stewart?" 

A big grin spread across his face. "You know, you really are cute when your mad."

I could feel my blood rushing to my face and most likely turning it beat red. 

He let out a laugh and kept right on smiling. "I'm not plotting anything Em. I want you on my team because you are like me and this is what is best. I can train you and you and I can make a huge difference in the Children's League." 

I sat down on the bed crossing my legs and stared at Cole. "You're not lying to me are you? Because based off of what happened yesterday in the showers and then you suddenly want me on your team, I suspect something else under the surface. Perhaps a different reason why you really want me around."

Cole's smile went away and he went back to being serious. "Nothing happened in the showers. I was never there and you will do well to remember that. As much as I like working alone, you and I are the same and this is what is best for you. I will train you to protect yourself that way you can hold your own. That's all there is to it. I am nothing more than your trainer and leader whenever we go into the field. You will do well to remember that." He stood up from his bed and left the room without another word. 

I couldn't believe that he wanted me to just forget everything that happened yesterday. What was his deal anyway? Sure he had his reasons for wanting me around, but why keep my in his room? That's when I remembered that Cate said all squad members share a room due to limited rooms available. 

I fell backwards, letting my head hit the pillow. Cole Stewart was really starting to get on my nerves and I really wanted nothing to with him. I would simply do as he told me. He is my trainer and my leader and that's all he is to me and nothing more. I would simply indulge him. The more that the Children's League trusted me and saw my skill then perhaps I could find my parents and help get other children out of camps. 

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