Chapter 12

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I decided to skip breakfast and go straight to weight room. If I was going to help Cole take down the camps, I needed to be prepared. I didn't want to face Vida again just in case she decided to punch me again. I couldn't face Cole either, not after I shared a bed with him. It may have been one time but it felt way to intimate for our relationship. Cole after all is my team leader and I needed to start treating him like it. There was absolutely no room for any sort of intimacy to take place.

I throw a punch at the punching, my collided hard with it. The pain felt great. I continued to throw punch after punch at the bag, relishing in the way it made me feel. I've never had this much control in my own actions in six years.

"Are you avoiding me?"

I spin around throwing a punch and Cole catches my fist in his hand.

"Don't sneak up on me," I scold him, my breath coming out heavy.

"Are you avoiding me?" He asked again.

No is what I want to tell him. I want him to be near me, so that I can feel his touch again. My body was craving his touch. "Yes," is what I said instead.

"Why? Did I do something to upset you?"

No, Cole. If I stay near you too long, I'll go insane and lose control of myself just have you touch me again. "I think it's in our best interest if we go back to have a mutual relationship as teammates should. I don't want anything to interfere with our missions."

He took a few steps towards me and I took a few steps back until my back was pressed up against the wall. "Nothing will interfere with our missions. When it comes to our missions I'm very focused at the task on hand." He leaned in closer to me, our faces inches apart.

"The do it for me," I quickly said. "I want to be able to have a clear mind."

Cole looks at me, defeated. "I'll see you later then. Don't push yourself too hard."

He left the room, leaving me standing alone with my back still against the wall. This was for the best. I couldn't have any distractions while I rescued other children. If Cole were to be in any danger then I wouldn't hesitate to protect him.

I looked over at the door hoping that he would come back, but instead Vida walked through. I groaned, but not loud enough for her to hear me.

"Did you come to apologize?" I asked her.

"No. I came to see if you wanted to fight it out properly. With no powers. Just a good old fist fight."

I had no way of knowing if she was telling the truth, but if it would get her off my back, then why not give her what she wanted.

"Sure, so long as you make sure you don't use your powers."

She nodded her head. "No powers."

I tossed her a pair of gloves and readjusted my own. We made our way into the center of the room and onto the mats. I put my guts up to protect my face and put one foot in front of the other.

Vida took the first swing, her fist flying towards my face. I grab her fist like Cole did to me earlier and used my free hand to get her in the face. Thanks to the training I can really pack a punch and it makes Vida stumble back a little, surprised by my force. She doesn't hesitate when she swings her leg towards my head. I raise my arms, her leg colliding. Pushed back against her leg to give us some space. It goes like this for a little while, both of throwing punches at the other. Some reached their target while others fell short. A crowd had also begun to gather in the room to watch our little fight.

"Are you feeling any better?" I asked her, my breath coming out heavy.

"No," she snarled. "You think you can just come in here and take over everything. The only way Cole would ever want you on his team is if seduced him! I saw you both a tangled mess in his bed, don't even try to deny it!"

But I can deny it. Nothing happened when Vida walked in on us. She was wrong. Cole came onto me and not the other way around. The only way that this was going to end was going to end was if I told her what she wanted to hear. "I don't love him," I began, "I didn't do anything to make Cole want me on his team. I can't seduce a man to save my life! I've spent the past six years in hell, so you have no room to judge! I don't have any feelings for Cole!" With that, I put as much force into my punch as I can and hit hard on the side of the head. Vida falls to the ground with a thud and the crowd around us was quiet.

A couple of men ran over to her, but she waved them off. She pushed herself up to her feet and instead of glaring at me, she was grinning. I look over to the door and watch Cole's retreating form. She wanted to say those things. She knew Cole was watching.

I move to lunge at her, but a couple of other much stronger men grab hold of me, pulling me back and away from her. I wanted to hit the way she hit me. She deserved it after all. I would have never said those things if I knew he was here.

"Let me go," I said to the men holding me. They looked at each other hesitantly then let me go.

I pulled my gloves off and dropped them to the ground. I needed to get out of this room. If I stayed here a moment longer I would beat Vida to a bloody pulp.

I leave the room and saunter down the hall back towards the room. I hesitate at the door, hoping that Cole wouldn't be there, but at the same time I want him to be there so I can explain. I turn the doorknob and hold my breath. Cole was lying on his bed on his stomach with his nose buried in a book. I sat down on my bed and wait for him to say something... anything. Cole didn't move a muscle and kept his nose in his book.

I couldn't stay in this room either, not with him ignoring me like this. I get up from the bed and leave the room and go down to the cafeteria hoping that there would be some food for me. The hunger was starting to hit me and I needed to eat something.

"Here," Michael said handing me tray.

I jumped slightly at the sound his voice, not expecting to see him here. "Thanks." I reached for the tray and take a seat at one of the tables.

I bite into the pizza and Michael comes over to join me. "That was one hell of a fight," he remarked.

"Thanks," I mumbled around the pizza.

"Cole won't take offense to what you said, so if that what's bothering you don't let it."

I dropped the pizza onto the plate and look him in the eyes. "And how can you be so certain about that? He completely ignored me when I saw him."

Michael smiled. "I think he's trying to make you feel guilty about what you said, so you'll confess you true feelings for him."

If I had taken a sip of my water I would have spit it back out. "I don't have feelings for Cole," I quickly said.

The smile on his face doesn't go away. "Liar."

I quickly finish off my pizza and go to one of the common rooms. I could just relax for a while before I had to go back and face Cole. I couldn't exactly avoid him forever.


Hey everyone!! If you've made it this far, congratulations!! You've lasted longer than I would have anticipated. Do me a favor and go read the author's note before chapter 6. I put a new announcement in there, so do me favor and read it and leave a comment!! Thanks for enjoying the story, you have no idea how much I appreciate it!!!! 😘

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