Chapter 4

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It was a long drive back to Children's League's base. I spent the whole drive presses up close next to Cate. I didn't want to be anywhere near Rob after seeing into his head. Cate must have noticed, but respected me anyways and kept an arm wrapped around keeping me close.

Maybe if Ruby knew that not all the people were like Rob she would come back and join the cause.

We reached a building that seemed like it was abandoned for a long time. Rob pulled the truck into another building where other vehicles were sitting. "Well we are back," Rob declared to the both of us. "I'll leave you take care of the girl," Rob said this time to Cate. He got out of the truck leaving me and Cate.

I sat up and moved a little ways from Cate so she could get out and then I followed her. "Thank you for saving me," I finally said. Why did it take me this long to finally say it?

Cate smiled and took my hand. "Your welcome sweet girl. I only wish Ruby didn't take off like she did. Hopefully she'll be okay and contact us if she ever needs help."

Cate seemed to have so much confidence in Ruby. In a way, I despised Ruby. Cate risked her life saving her and she ran away. If only she knew how wonderful Cate was.

Cate led me into the building and down different corridors till we reached a room. "Vida, this is your new roommate, Ember."

"Hey Ember!" A boy said cheerfully to me as he jumped off of one of the beds. "I'm Jude and I'm a yellow. That over there is Nico. He's a green and one of the smartest kids I know."

Vida put her hand on Jude's head and ruffled his hair. "Why don't you go hang out with Nico or some of the other boys you usually play with and let me talk to the new girl." Vida seemed like such a nice person just by the way she talked to Jude. Perhaps we would get along just fine.

"Alright!" Jude said still being as cheerful. The kid seemed to have a ton of energy.

Jude took off out the door and Nico got up silently and followed him out.

Vida kept on smiling as the two boys left and Cate followed. "I'll leave you two to get to know each other," Cate said as she left the room.

After Cate had fully disappeared, Vida turned towards me and she had a cold eyes. "Don't think that just because you are new you can get Cate to do whatever you want. I was here longer than you and I don't see what makes you so special. Why would Cate go through so much trouble just to break you out of Thurmond? One of the biggest camps around with so much security."

Looks like her nice act was only saved for the others. I was new and she didn't want anybody taking her place. I didn't want to make enemy's with her so I told her the truth. "I'm an orange and I have no intention of taking your place. I only want to help other kids." Vida didn't seem totally convinced that I was telling the truth. I didn't really want to stay and continue to heat Vida up worse than she already was, so I left the room.

I didn't exactly know where I was going. This was my first time here and I had no idea where I was going. I just didn't want to hear Vida yell at me. Hopefully she would be over it.

We were underground so walking down the halls all I had was the lights on the ceiling to guide me. I always loved to explore new places and this was a place that I was actually eager to explore.

"Stop where you are and turn around slowly!" Someone shouted behind me. It sounded like a man from the sound of the voice.

Why was he stopping me though? That's right. I'm still dressed like a PSF and never bothered to change. I put both of my hands up and turned around slowly like he told me to.

He kept his gun facing me till I looked up at him and then he started to lower it. "Your not a PSF. Your just a kid," he said.

I didn't know what todo. He didn't know me and I didn't know him. I didn't think he was going to trust me that easily. "I've never seen you around here before. Are you new? Or are you truly a PSF? Which in a way I highly doubt." He picked his gun back up and kept it towards me.

I didn't really want him to shoot me. I had too many plans and dying early wouldn't get me anywhere. So I pulled off the oversized boots revealing my camp shoes. Before he had a chance to process anything, I quickly pulled out of the uniform showing my green camp clothes underneath.

His eyes widened and he lowered his gun, putting it back in its holster. "You just got out of camp." It was a statement not a question.

I nodded my head silently.

"Gosh, don't you speak kid?" He asked a little annoyed.

"My name isn't kid. It's Ember," I told him a bit frustrated. "Cate just broke me out of Thurmond."

"Your kidding right? Thurmond?"

Wonderful. He still didn't believe me. Why should he? Thurmond was one of the biggest camps with the most security. How could I have possibly gotten out of there?

Then realization kicked in. I hadn't eaten in over two days. I was absolutely starving and very dehydrated. I could feel myself getting dizzy and I knew I was going to feint again. I didn't want to feint in front of some random stranger that I didn't know. He could still kill me if he wanted to or through me out and let me fend for myself. He could leave somewhere and I wouldn't have a clue as to where I was. I felt myself begin to fall and I braced myself for the impact against the concrete floor. But it never came. I was being supported by a pair of strong arms. Then I was being lifted up and my head fell against the chest of the man, that up until now wanted to kill me.

"Don't worry, Ember, everything is going to be okay," he told me.

I wish I knew where he was going to take me or what was going to happen, but everything went black and I passed out again.

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