Chapter 2

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6 years. That's how long I was at Thurmond. Working day in and day out with nothing, but plain soup and stale bread to eat. Many of the girls in my cabin continued with their fantasies on how they would get out. My fantasies on my parents showing up and getting my out eventually went away, mostly after the first year.

That day we were working in the garden and I hadn't had anything to eat for breakfast and lunch was a ways away. I was protesting, but the guards didn't seem to care if I went and starved myself. One less Psi kid to worry about. Many of the other girls and I were shifting the dirt around and digging out weeds and rocks in order to make another garden. Thurmond was so big with so many children that there wasn't enough food for everyone.

Since winter had come to an end and it was now spring the PSFs wanted to keep us working in the gardens. However, due to my hunger it was hard to work. The hunger was getting to me so bad that my vision started to blur. I gripped my shovel trying to keep my balance, but it was no use. I let go falling face first into the mud. I could hear the faint laughter of the PSFs before darkness consumed me.

I awoke suddenly and when I tried to move, my arms were strapped down as well as my legs. I quickly started to shake my limbs and when I wasn't getting anywhere my breathing started to increase at a rapid pace.

"It's alright Ember," a woman said. I stopped trying to thrash around and looked at the person who had said my name. She had short brown hair that was pulled back into a ponytail and wore a lab coat. "My name's Cate and I'm here to help you. First, do you remember passing out?"

I had no idea who this doctor was and what did she want? I nodded my head, but didn't tell her anything. I had no idea if I could trust this woman.

She smiled and started to write down a few things on her clipboard. "Do you know why you passed out?" she asked.

She had a certain calmness in her voice that made me want to trust her.

"Times up," said one of the PSFs rattling the cage on the door.

Cate stood up and I grabbed her arm quickly. "Help me. Please." I whispered.

Cate slipped something sharp into my hand and walked out the door. "I would like to keep her over night and run some more tests."

"You'll have to take that up with the general," the man responded.

After they both left, I took the sharp object and took the piece of paper off that was taped to it.

They know what you are. They are going to kill you. If you want to live, go the boiler room. I'll be waiting for you there.

I took the small knife and started to cut the bindings around my wrists and ankles. I hung tightly the knife and ran as fast as I could towards where I knew the boiler room was. I quickly ran inside and quietly shut the door behind me. A girl, who looked to be a little younger than me, walked over to me. In the pale red light of the boiler room, I could sort of see who she was. It was Ruby Daly and she had been at Thurmond for about six years, the same amount as me. Before I could say anything, another door opened and Cate came running in carrying a couple of outfits.

"Quickly and out these on, we don't have a whole lot of time." She handed one set of clothes towards Ruby and another set towards me. Ruby quickly pulled on the army uniform and the lab coat that went with.

"Hurry Ember and get dressed," Cate whispered.

I held up the outfit in order to get a better look at it and saw that it was a PSF outfit. If we wanted to get out then we where going to have to disguise ourselves. I quickly pulled on the outfit and stuffed my feet into the over sized boots, not bothering to take off my camp shoes. Once I was fully dressed Cate took both me and Ruby and ran us out to her car in the pouring rain. She had me sit up next to her and had Ruby sit in the back.'

"Keep your face covered Ruby," Cate said as we pulled up to the gate.

I sat up straight in my seat up to my full height as Cate rolled down the window as a PSF walked over to the car. "Who's with you?" he asked. I knew he was wondering about me first and then soon enough he would wonder about Ruby.

"Sorry," Cate said in her sweet voice. "I have Dr. Rogers in the back and she is super sick. She's out on pain meds, the poor girl. I asked this nice PSF officer to escort us on our drive back to Dr. Rogers house."

"Without a weapon?" he asked a little suspicious.

"We are in a hurry. I caught him while he was sleeping and he didn't have time to grab a gun."

The PSF picked up an extra gun and handed through the window towards me. I took it without a moments hesitation in order for him not to question us even more. "Please roll down the back window doctor."

"I hardly think that is necessary," Cate began to protest.

"We have a security breach. Now roll down the back window. I won't ask again," the PSF budged.

Cate rolled down the back window and the PSF walked over to where Ruby was leaning against the car door. "Dr. Rogers, please lower your mask. Dr. Rogers, lower your mask." the frustration in his voice was rising with his anger.

When Ruby didn't move, the PSF reached his arm through the window and Ruby quickly swerved her body and put her hand on the bare skin that his jacket sleeve revealed. "You are going to let us pass and forget that you ever saw us," she said.

The PSF stepped back and waved his hand up towards one of the other guards. The gate opened up and Cate quickly drove through.

After I was sure we were a ways away from Thurmond, I pulled off the black fabric from around my face getting a breath of fresh air. I turned around a little ways to look in the back seat and saw that Ruby had passed out up against the door. She must not have been used to her abilities just like me. I still hadn't had very much to eat and I was exhausted. Between the both of those factors, I felt the darkness take over me once more.

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