The poem

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All of a sudden it was freezing cold and I could here whistling winds! Whoa! It looked like the ashes and embers of the fire were sort of joining together to form what looked like a very old, battered, slightly burnt around the edges letter. Wait a second! That’s impossible, paper turns into ashes and embers in a fire not the other way around! ‘I must be going mad!’ I said aloud to myself. I hesitantly picked up the letter from the ashes. Yep it was real, I started to read…

In the next 24 hours

Before the sun goes down

A ghost of the Mansion

Fiona Brown

Will haunt you to your death

A ghost a friend you will become

Casey McNeath, you are the chosen one!

(My heart was beating at 100 miles an hour)

If you let anyone know about this though

You will instantly die

From the squeal of the clover song.

What does this mean? Is this all some big prank or is the letter really true? It must be though because it formed magically.


‘Aaaargh!’ I screamed. OH MY GOSH the knight just spoke! It was alive!

‘Don’t worry you’re not going mad.’ It said

‘How can I not be?’ I half yelled ‘I mean I’m talking to a manmade sculpture for heavens sake!’

‘Hmmph, I’m offended.’

‘Oh sorry.’ I wasn’t sure if he was joking or not. Things were just getting weirder and weirder, not to mention how scared I was        

‘Please explain to me what all this means, tell me what to do.’ I pleaded.

‘Well I can’t do that exactly but I can help you out a little bit.’


‘Well the Fallcinder Mansion houses quite a few ghosts you see.’

‘Mmm.’ I gasped, just realizing that when I felt the lady in the portrait watching me and when I saw the face on the walls eyes move, I wasn’t just seeing things!

I couldn’t believe that all of this stuff that I had never believed in was all coming true. ‘So you’re telling me that the face on the wall just outside and the lady in the portrait are ghosts?

‘Ahah’ he nodded

‘Ergh, Rosemary’ He mumbled.


‘Nothing, anyway some ghosts like to choose a human to turn into a ghost so they can have a friend. Sounds weird I know.’

‘Extremely…wait! Does this mean I’m definitely going to die? There’s got to be some way out of this!

‘Calm down’ he said gently. I took some deep breaths.

 ‘There is one way out of this.’

‘How?’ I interrupted

“Well that’s something you’re going to have to figure out yourself but… your ghost but no other has a connection to the four leaf clover.

‘Oooh; so is she the one on the wall just outside?’

‘I can’t answer that but remember that the four leaf clover can help you.’


Now get some sleep, you’ll need it.’ He said.

I looked over to the window. The sun was starting to go down. ’Wait, wait! The sun’s starting to go down does that mean I get killed now?’ I asked horrified.

‘No the poem means tomorrow.’

‘Oh I thought so. Oh and one more thing.’

‘Oh, Sir Firey Toolington!’ He replied smiling smugly ‘But you can call me Firey.’

I laughed ‘Ok, bye Firey!’  

I headed off to get ready for bed. I was really tired, hopefully this was all a dream and I’ll wake up to find that none of this ever happened. Everything seemed so real even if it wasn’t a dream my mind would be clearer in the morning. Hopefully I’d be able to figure things out, that’s not to say I wasn’t scared though especially because I couldn’t tell anyone.

It was hard getting to sleep with my head swimming but eventually I fell into an uneasy sleep and started to dream…


Heeeeyo : P     Well, today was...cotastrophising? Is that even a word? ANyway I had only typed up like half of the story  on my computer so i needed my paper copy for this chapter.  but i couldn't find it!          ; O so after almost dying of a heart attack, making my mum look through all her papers and tipping my bedroom upside down ( which i did end up spring cleaning lol) i finally found it :D

And right now I am typing this up under the covers at about ... 11:00 at night (and my parents think I'm sleeping! Mwuhahaha!

Anyhoo toodles for now :)            xo Sarah_leeeeeee xo            

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