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"Can I read?" Edvin asked, a little eagerly. He was more than intrigued with the tale of these Araluens, and wanted to know more.

"Of course," the sandy-haired Ranger said, and the book was passed to him.

EVANLYN FELT WILL'S LIGHT TOUCH ON HER SHOULDER. SHE gave a small start of surprise. Even though she had been lying awake, she hadn't heard him approaching.

Halt smiled to himself, more than a little pleased with his former apprentice's skill. A man to be proud of indeed, he thought.

"It's all right," she said quietly. "I'm awake."

"The moon's down," Will replied, equally softly. "It's time to go."

Will suddenly groaned, and smacked his head against the table. "Will!" Alyss exclaimed in exasperation. He only shook his head.

"Is there really this much in here that's going to embarrass me?" he asked. Cassandra gave a nervous chuckle. Erak and Svengal exchanged grins.

She tossed back the blankets and sat up. She was fully dressed, apart from her boots. She reached for them and began to pull them on. Will handed her a bundle of rags he had cut from his blanket.

"Good lot that did," came Will's muffled voice. Erak laughed. "Oh, shut up, Erak."

"Tie these around your feet," he told her. "They'll muffle the sound on the shingle." She saw that he had swathed his own feet in large bundles of cloth and she hurried to do the same.

Through the thin wall between the lean-to and the dormitory, they could hear the sound of men snoring and muttering in their sleep. One of the Skandians broke out in a fit of coughing and Will and Evanlyn froze, waiting to see if he had woken anyone. After a few minutes, the dormitory settled down again. Evanlyn finished tying the cloth bundles around her feet and stood, following Will to the door.

He had greased the hinges on the lean-to door with fat from the cooking pot. Holding his breath, he eased the door open, letting go a sigh of relief when it swung silently. With no moon, the beach was a dark expanse and the water a black sheet, dimly reflecting the starlight. The weather had been moderating over the past few days. The night was clear and the wind had dropped considerably. But they could still hear the dull thunder of waves crashing against the outer face of the island.

"What a lovely setting," Halt said, straight-faced. "Now can we get on with the story?"

"It's a part of the story, dear," Pauline said. Halt grunted.

Evanlyn could just make out the dark bulk of the two wolfships drawn up on the beach. To one side was a smaller shape: the skiff, left there by Svengal after his latest fishing trip. That was where they were heading. Will sighed loudly.

Patiently, Will pointed out the route he had selected. They had gone over it all earlier in the night, but he wanted to make sure she remembered. Unseen movement was almost second nature to him, but he knew that Evanlyn would be nervous once she was in the open. She would want to reach the ships quickly.

"Thanks for that," Cassandra said dryly. Will made another groaning noise, and she laughed. "Don't worry. I did want to hurry."

And speed meant noise and a greater chance of being heard or seen. Halt and Gilan nodded. He put his mouth very close to her ear and spoke in the lightest of whispers.

"Take it easy. The benches first. Then the rocks. Then the ships. Wait for me there."

She nodded. He could see her swallowing nervously and he sensed that her breathing was speeding up. He squeezed her shoulder gently.

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