Chapter Five~Old Pains...New Beginnings

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Hey everybody!! It's Linz! So WARNING this chapter is kinda heavy, you get more insight on who Rose is and her past and such. And please tell me what you think and I would love advice on what you think could make my writing better! And another thing: I will not write another Thorn chapter until I get the next Ultraviolet chapter posted I promise!! And I'm sorry sorry sorry to those fans!!

So VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

xoxox linz

Chapter 5

~Old Pains...New Beginnings~


“Leave me alone until you actually know what you are talking about.” Rose hissed at me in a low voice, before she brushed past me and into her guest room. 

I had already been a little cranky before, considering that running long and hard through the woods had done nothing to calm me down like it usually did. I was worried about her and she wouldn’t let me protect her, which was going against every instinct inside of my human and wolf self. What was I if I couldn’t even safeguard my own mate?

But then we had that argument, I’d almost believed her, too. Then I saw her face as she walked past me. She attempted to keep her head down, but I still got a good look at her eyes, her captivating ice-blue eyes, they looked pained, almost broken. But at the same time there was a shred of hope and determination.

It made me happy to know that she cared for me, in a sort of way...Except, the hope puzzled me...what could it possibly be for? Hope that I would chase her? Or hope that I would give up? Either way, there was one thing for me to do.

Our wolves very rarely speak to us, only occasionally send us vague feelings and thoughts, especially when we find our mates. I don’t just want to calm her, to know her, to protect her...I need to. And it causes me almost physical pain that she won’t let me do any of that. Every time she pulls away, every time she bottles something up, it hurts.

“Dammit!” I yelled and punched the counter, leaving a decent dent in the stone. I swore profusely, Mom’s gonna kill me! 

The hot water poured steam into the room when I turned on the shower. Fifteen minutes later, I walked out of the foggy bathroom and began to go to my room when I heard a faint whimper. I froze, I heard it again, accompanied by muffled thumps of someone tossing and turning in their bed. “No...please...mama, don’t” Rose.

I ran down the hall and threw open her door, scanning the room with narrowed eyes for a threat. Seeing none, I walked over to the bed in the middle of the room. The sheets were twisted and thrown everywhere about the bed, the dark comforter was thrown on the ground. My eyes travelled to Rose’s sleeping figure, sweat glistened on her forehead, some pale hair stuck to it. Her face was scrunched up in pain, sadness. Fists were clenched tightly around the sheets, her arms splayed out around her. She whimpered again and a tear ran down her cheek, on instinct, I hurried over and gently wiped the tears off of her cheeks. Instantly her face smoothed into a more peaceful expression, and she breathed in deeply, I let my hand linger on her cheekbone, sweeping my fingers back to her temple and then to her sticky hairline, where I pulled the hair back from her face. I was just about to pull back when her hand snaked up and grabbed mine, the strength in her thin fingers squeezing my hand to hers.

“Please stay,” I looked up and stared at her, nope, she’s not dreaming, her blue eyes were wide open and miserable.

“Rose, you know you don’t want me too,” I told her, downcast.

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