Chapter 8~Future's Past

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Hi!! So i could've posted three days ago but i had no internet on the highway or in the mountains and my dad wouldn't let me use his aircard, so oh well...But I actually ended up making this chappy REALLY long cause I had time and such. 

Anyways, you get a lot of key info in this chappy and some more clues as to how Accacia thinks and a little of her past. You also get some of Jason and a bunch of people (and by people i mean werewolves) and I'm not gonna spoil what happens there.

I know i dont get a ton of reads but thats cool, cause i'm not gonna write your cliche reveal everything werewolf romance that everyone loves, i'm gonna write my stuff the way i like it and what i'd like to read, but if you do like it could you do me a favor and comment or promote it? I really love the feed back and I don't get a ton of it and constructive criticism would be perfectly AMAZING or you just telling me what you like about it. :P

Ta ta for now!

xoxo linz :D


Chapter Eight

~Future's Past~


The metal cart rattled as it swerved into another shelf, “Dang it...” I muttered quietly under my breath. The faulty wheel on the front left-side was really getting on my nerves as I navigated my way through the Safeway. 

Roughly, I jerked the cart back and attempted to make the turn around the sharp corner again, I made it, but not without having to fight the stubborn hunk of junk on wheels. I walked briskly down the long aisle and stopped in front of another walkway that had a large sign above it stating that it was aisle five and had cereals, crackers, pop tarts...etc. Honestly, I didn’t want to have to fight the cart again to get into the aisle, but, alas, I had no choice. Pressing my lips together in a thin line, frustrated, I put my foot on the bar connecting the back to wheels and used it to steady the cart as I pushed down on the handle, lifting the front to wheels in the air and rotated the cart so it was facing the cereal aisle. Smiling in satisfaction at my quick thinking to get around the problem of the defective wheel, I wheeled the cart forward and stopped in front of the Special K! cereal. 

The box of corn flakes joined the milk, bananas, microwave dinners and oranges in the cart, landing in the the thing with a loud clang! On my way down the aisle, I grabbed a package of original, ugh not cheddar, goldfish and some Oreos. I continued down the narrow passage and used the same technique as before to turn the stubborn cart in the direction of the check out lines.

“Cart troubles?” I froze and sent a silent, are you kidding me?! up to whoever happened to be listening.

“Jason, are you a closet stalker, ‘cause between you and me, you aren’t very good at keeping it a secret.”

“You’re in a fine mood.”

“Your use of sarcasm is greatly unappreciated.” I took a deep breath, I really don’t need this right now, my life is ridiculous enough without some guy who makes me feel...confused...?

“I think I’ve said those exact same words to you before.” I could hear the slight smirk in his voice.

“Must I notify the police of your potentially harmful behavior? Are you going to force me to get a restraining order set on you?” I asked, exasperated.

“You like me too much to push me away like that.”

Huffing out a deep sigh, I continued bluntly, “Why are you here?”

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