Chapter Eleven~What I Wouldn't Give for Normal

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Hey! I dedicated it to this fan cause she always comments and was pretty awesome and all of that so thank you dreanlouie!!!

(the song on the side kind of explains Jason and Rose, I spent the whole process of writing this chapter listening to this song on repeat, kinda sad)

Copyright 2011 Lindsay Covington



Chapter Eleven

~What I Wouldn’t Give For Normal~

“Well...Your pretty little face has certainly seen better days. Care to explain?” A voice mocked me.

“Not particularly. Go to hell, Jasper!” I fumed. The one freaking time he decides to show up in my dreams in two years is when I’m unconscious due to injuries.

He sighed, “At least you’ve gotten over the moping around phase.”

“You’re an idiot,” I seethed, “it’s your goddamn fault that I am even in this mess!”

“Geez, can you blame a worried older brother for wanting to make sure his wounded little sister was alright?” I could practically see him with his hands up in an ‘I surrender’ gesture.

“Actually, yes, I can. Simply because said ‘worried older brother’ most likely saw this whole thing happening about a week or two ago and knows perfectly well that I will be fine, even though he could’ve done something to stop his younger sister from getting hurt in the first place!” I yelled into the darkness, finally taking notice of the dreamscape my brother had created for our little pow-wow, or lack there-of. “And could you do something more interesting with the dream? I know that you are in control and plain black is pretty damn boring.”

“You’re in a mood.” He commented dryly.

“Damn right I am! Now get the hell out of my head and try again in a few days when I’ll regret using my only contact with you in two years to scream at you!”

“Fine. But understand, sis, that things are starting to happen. For the first time in a while I’m not able to tell what will come of it, so be careful. And stay on your toes, I can’t promise that earlier was the last you’ll see of the Okipan for a while.” Jasper warned me, sounding a little defeated. A small part of me wanted to give him a hug and tell him how much I’ve missed him and wanted to see him. But a much larger part of me was simply too dang pissed to care.

“Oh and Jasper?” 

“Yeah?” His voice expectant.

“Next time you wanna talk to me, don’t start by making fun of my injuries or my mood. It doesn’t warm me to you.” He chuckled at that.

“I’ll take your suggestion to heart.”

“No you won’t, you are a terrible big brother.” 

The edges of the dark, fuzzy world around me began to fade--the pure darkness began to lighten to gray, gray to pure white. The growing whiteness was so bright that I had to shield my eyes with my hand. My waking body stirred, I felt it as the dream world around me became less corporeal and more translucsent. 

There was a sigh, “More than you know.” 


I shot up into a sitting position on my bed, sucking in a deep breath and exhaling loudly. “What the hell, Jasper?” I whispered to myself.

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