Chapter 7~More Questions than Before...~

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Chapter Seven

~More Questions than Before...~


Everything was the color of the sun. It was all a yellowy-orange glow, that was all I could see. No shapes, no shadows, just this ridiculously bright orange.

I cracked my eyes open and automatically shielded them from the sunlight invading the small bedroom. “Urrgh...wha times it?” I mumbled incoherently at nothing and no one. Turning my head, I realized that I hadn’t bought a clock yet, nor had I gotten myself a new cell phone under my current name. I could always turn on the car and check the digital clock in there...I paused, thinking about it for a second. Nah...

Slowly, I rolled over to the other side of the bed, away from the window, and slid out of bed. My toes curled in protest as they touched the cool surface of the hard wood floor. Leisurely, I bent down and touched the ground before reaching back up as high as I could, stretching my hands to the ceiling. I sighed in deep satisfaction at having successfully stretched my back and shoulders out after my deep sleep.

Deciding to embrace the new day, I shuffled over to the door way and walked the two steps down the hall to the new bathroom. Like the rest of the house, the counters and toilet and...well...everything was totally 70’s, the toilet was a lovely pink, the shower was blue with yellow flowers and the sink was a soft green. It looked like an Easter egg exploded in here. Oh well, I’ll take what I can get.

Still not trusting of the plumbing, I cautiously twisted the cold water knob on the sink and thankfully, clear, clean water ran out into the drain below. Letting out a breath in relief, I splashed my face with the frigid water a few times, the world around me suddenly coming into a painfully sharp clarity. I blinked a few times, fully awake, trying to get used to the brightness of the colors. 

I brushed my teeth quickly and thoroughly, getting the bitter, gritty taste of...actually I’m not sure, sleep? Out of my mouth, before running back to the bedroom and choosing an outfit at random.

Pleased with the almost black skinny jeans, the black tank and the dark purple hoodie that reached to my bellybutton, hanging off of my body comfortably, but still warm. I shook my hair and ran a hand through it and decided to visit the local cafe, the Golden Burrow or something along those lines.

Gray messenger bag slung over my shoulder, I left the house and locked the door behind me. Forcing my way through a foot of fresh snow, I finally made it to my car and shoved the door of the blue beast open and hopped in, blasting the heat. Immediately thankful for four-wheel drive, I left the snow-covered driveway and headed down the road, new snow compacting under the muddy tires of my Explorer. I made a left onto the highway, which was actually the towns main road and travelled a few blocks before making a sharp right and parking on the side of the road.

Small town perks: no traffic, you don’t have to pay to park on the side of the road either. I thought to myself.

Smiling, I hopped out of the car and pushed the door shut. I hugged my bag to myself and pulled open the peeling wooden door to the quaint diner. Some bells tinkled and a blast of heat met my face.

“What can I do for ya, dear?” A middle aged women met me, she was somewhere between fifty and sixty, her chestnut hair was starting to go gray and her eyes crinkled when she smiled. Something about her brown hair and face and eyes reminded me of someone I’d met, but I couldn’t figure out who.

“Well, I’m pretty hungry, as in could eat a horse hungry, and would love to have a booth!” I grinned at her and she let out a hearty laugh.

“Right this way, hon.” She led me over to a fake wood table with flowered green and pink booths in the middle of the restaurant. It had a window next to it and a vase with a small rose in it next to the salt, pepper and sugar.

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