Chapter One~ Beginnings

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Hi! its linz! and I wanted to thank you guys for the comments and reads and hope that you continue to comment and hopefully vote! Love you all and I'm really tired and please, please! tell me whatcha think!!

p.s. the pic is of how I would picture Accacia but with pale blonde hair! 



Edited By: OMFGitsJayXP

So here's the edited version everyone!! My computer finally stopped going screwy! (I took it into the Mac store, took FOREVER to fix) Anyways...I'm gonna be writing and editing tomorrow 'cause I had a ton of homework, tests and round 1/3 of english exams this year so I got no homework!! (kinda, but i can do it Sunday)

Love y'all! linz xoxo

Chapter One


~Jason Maxwell Moonlight~

“Jason, honey, time to wake up! You have school!” Someone shook me, dragging me out of my dreams.

“God, ma, I’m tired.” I rolled over, hugging my pillow to the back of my head, covering my ears.

“Dear, its time to wake up!” The room was suddenly flooded with light, stinging my sensitive eyes.

“Go  away!” I mumbled and threw the pillow at the door as hard as I could, it must’ve hit the lamp on my desk because next thing I heard was a horrible crash on the ground and a gasp from my mother.


“Fine! I’m up, I’m up!” Instantly, I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair. Getting up I dragged my feet over to my closet, picking out a pair of low-slung, hip-hugging jeans and a black long sleeve, v-neck shirt. I was just about to change when, “Mom! Get the heck outta my room!” She looked up at me from over by my desk where she was trying to save the broken lamp.

“Be down for breakfast in ten minutes or you’ll be late for school mister!” She pretended like she was a stern mother and waggled her finger at me, but the smile ruined the act.

“Mom.” I looked at her meaningfully.

“Ok, ok! I’m out! See?” The door closed quietly behind her. 

I rolled my eyes to myself, “Mothers.” I muttered.

Five minutes later I was in front of my en suite bathroom mirror brushing my teeth. I spit into the sink and rinsed my mouth. Straightening up, I looked into the mirror and ran my finger through my dark hair. Come on, I may be a guy, but that doesn’t mean I can’t look presentable! That or mom tries to attack my hair with the scissors and a hairbrush again, I shuddered at the memory.

I grabbed my gray backpack and stomped down the stairs and into the kitchen, taking some toast and bacon from the counter and sitting in the “breakfast nook” as mother insisted we call the small table by the windows. “Where’s dad?” I asked around a mouthful of bacon.

“With John and the other elders of the pack. You know, weekly stuff...” She trailed off, I nodded and stuffed more bacon into my mouth.

“’ve heard that a new girl is moving into town...” 

“Mom, please!” I groaned, I so didn’t want to hear this! “I get it! You’re worried, I’m mateless and I’ll be alpha soon. But seriously! What are the odds?” I stopped eating and pushed my plate away from me, crossing my arms over my broad chest.

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