Chapter 2 Daily Routine!

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~~Makoto's POV~~

Makoto wakes up in his dorm room and begins to prepare for his day knowing it could be chaotic he picks up his schedule and takes some deep breaths so he's not to nervous although he's not to sure it worked he steps out side his dorm and begins to go to his first lesson "Registration" He enters the classroom on time not wishing to be screamed at by Taka again he enters the classroom and sits down in his seat.

Taka: "Makoto I see you are learning to be here on time now! That's very good!"

Makoto: "I wasn't really late last time..."

Taka: "Yes you where Makoto don't lie!"

Makoto: "Sigh..."

Taka: "The teacher will be here soon! then we can get registered and go to our first lesson of our new school life!"

Makoto: "You seem overly exited about this.."

Taka: "Of course I am education is important Makoto"

After saying that Taka goes back to his seat before Kyoko Walks into the classroom and sits down next to me in her assigned seat I cant help but feel nervous when she sits down next to me and I cant tell why. Shortly after the teacher walks into the classroom and gets us registered, for our first lesson of the day we have maths I follow the map and enter the maths classroom and notice that a seating plan has been placed on the board I walk over and see who I'm sitting next to and when I do I feel like I'm not the "Ultimate Lucky Student" More like "Ultimate Unlucky Student" Because my seat is next to.....  Junko Enoshima!

Makoto sighs and walks over to his seat and sits down hoping to get some better luck in his other lessons a few minutes later he seems Junko walk through the door and look at the board she has a massive grin on her face she runs over to her seat and she sits down next to me.

Junko: "Hey Naegi-Kun! I'm sure your super Exited to be able to sit next to Meee!"

Makoto: "Not really..."

Junko: "What!?"

Makoto: "I'm not that excited in fact I'm scared what your going to try..."

Junko "So are you in DESPAIR!"

Makoto: "..."

What is wrong with her Makoto was thinking lost in thought not realising that the teacher had begun the lesson till he heard...

Taka: "Sir Makoto isn't Paying attention!"

Teacher: "Makoto please pay attention you need to know this stuff!"

Junko: "Your thinking about me and how amazing I am aren't you!"

Makoto: "Ill pay attention now sir"

Teacher: "Good Junko be quite"

Junko: "The DESPAIR!!"

The lesson progressed slowly Makoto was paying attention to avoiding Junko's attempts of advances he tried to pay attention tot he actual maths work but it wasn't that easy eventually the lesson came to an end he looked at his schedule and saw he had a 15 minute break before he had to go to his Japanese lesson he decided he wants to talk to Kyoko during this break since he wants to get to know her better Makoto finds her waiting outside the Japanese classroom attempting to avoid the other students.

Makoto: "Hey Kyoko!!"

Kyoko: "Oh hey Makoto.."

Makoto: "So how have you been?"

Kyoko: "I've been find what about you?"

Makoto: "Well not the best recently Junko sits next to me in maths and its gonna kill me..."

Kyoko: "I noticed she seems to be interested in you..."

Makoto: "Yeah she does seem to be... Its kind of ... Annoying.."

Kyoko: "I could see that"

Makoto almost saw a smile form on her face however it quickly disappeared the bell rang signifying the beginning of the lesson so Makoto and Kyoko quickly entered the classroom and looked at the board He was sitting next to Sayaka well that's helpful at least Makoto doesn't have to deal with Junko for this lesson. Makoto goes to his seat to sit down Sayaka comes in looks at the board and also sits down in her seat.

Sayaka: "We get to sit together for this lesson that's nice!"

Makoto: "Its better than Junko.."

Sayaka: "Hehe"

Teacher: "Ok so today we are going to......."

The lesson goes by without to many issues Makoto likes the teacher and the lesson ends rather quickly Makoto looks at his schedule and takes note of the fact he needs to go to Science in the Science labs on the 3rd floor when I get there I enter the room takas already there ranting about how this room has a bad feeling about it I just walk in and look at the schedule I'm sitting next to Hina well she's nice shouldn't be to much of a problem. I sit down in my seat and Hina does a few minutes later only after getting shouted at by Taka.

Hina: "You know you and Sayaka would be cute together!"

Makoto: "What! No we are just friends Hina"

Hina: "Yeah right..."

The teacher walks in and the lesson begins....

Teacher: "Today we are going to walk through the lab rules....."

The lesson went by fast Makoto was still pretty annoyed at Hina for shipping Sayaka with him so suddenly if he had to pick somebody in this class he would be shipped with its Kyoko not Sayaka wait.. Why am I saying things like that! Is this what-- No it cant be... Makoto looks down at his schedule he has a lunch break for the next hour than he has to go to a physical Education class great. He makes his way to the lunch hall and decides to forgive Hina thinking it was just a one time thing and sites with her and Sayaka.

Hina: "So I was thinking and I made a ship-"

Makoto cut Hina of.

Makoto: "No Hina!"

Makoto gets up and decides to go sit in the corner noticing its already occupied by Kyoko he decides to go sit with her

Makoto: "Hey Kyoko!"

Kyoko: "Why aren't you sitting with your other friends...?"

Makoto: "Well they are already shipping me with Sayaka and its kind of annoying since I don't like her that way so I decided to sit with you!"

Kyoko: "I see.. Well I suppose its nice to have some company...."

Makoto: "Lets eat :)"

Makoto and Kyoko eat together and talk a small bit about school so far and before Makoto realises its the end of the Lunch break and they walk to Physical Education together. Upon arriving on the field the teacher begins the lesson.

Teacher: "Today we will do some basic drills...."

The lesson goes by quickly and by the end Makoto is very tired and just wants to go to sleep luckily this is the last lesson of the day so he gets to go to his dorm and relax for the rest of his day. As such Makoto begins to make his way to his dorm to sleep.

A/N Next chapter will be a Kyoko POV! As always Criticism support and suggestions are welcome in the comments!

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