Chapter 10 Telling....

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~~Kyoko's POV~~

Kyoko remembered the first time she had Kissed Makoto, and then she once again wished that oxygen wasn't required for life to continue, but she knew it was, so she had to pull away from the Kiss she always enjoyed..

Makoto: "So should we go and tell Komaru?"

Kyoko: "I suppose so.."

Makoto: "Lets get going then.."

Makoto and Kyoko got up, and began to walk over towards the door Makoto opened it for Kyoko. She thanked him for opening the door for her. and they left her dorm they began making their way to the school gate. but on their way they where intercepted by Sayaka...

Sayaka: "Hey Makoto!"

Makoto: "Hey Sayaka..."

Sayaka: "You know.. Don't be angry at Hina..."

Makoto: "What?"

Sayaka: "I...- I Suggested it.."

Sayaka turned her head, Kyoko could make a out tear forming on the edge of Sayaka's eye...

Makoto: "...."

Kyoko felt rude for ease dropping but didn't know what to do, She watched as Sayaka leaned into Makoto's ear and whispered something into it...

Makoto: " Sayaka I- I don't fell the same way... I'm sorry..."

Sayaka: "... I-"

Kyoko watched as Sayaka ran away she could see the tears from here, as her vision was very good from the hours she spent searching for the smallest details at crime scenes...

Kyoko: "Did she just?"

Makoto: "Yeah she just confessed, Not like I didn't know. She tried to kiss me earlier, But I suppose she wanted to...?"

Kyoko: "Hmm, I guess she did.. We should go light the wild fire of Komaru?"

Makoto: "Hehe, Lets go!"

Kyoko and Makoto begins to make their way towards Makoto's house, Makoto leading the way since Kyoko hadn't been their before, While thinking Kyoko realised that she hadn't met Makoto's parents yet and would probably today, This made Kyoko a bit worried wondering if they would disapprove of her, since they wouldn't understand why she wore gloves and she didn't really want to explain it, She was still surprised Makoto had never asked...

Makoto: "Almost there!"

Kyoko: "Ok.."

It took a  few more minutes but eventually Kyoko was standing outside Makoto's house with Makoto at here side Kyoko heard Makoto take a deep breath then...

Makoto: "Be prepared for some screaming..."

Kyoko watched as Makoto pressed the door bell, then the door opened.. The person Kyoko assumed was Komaru opened the door...

Komaru: "WHO'S THIS MAKOTO???!!!"

Makoto: "This Is Kyoko My-"

Komaru: "YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!!??"

Makoto & Kyoko: "Yes"


Kyoko: "What..."

Makoto: "I'm in the same boat..."

Makoto's Mother: "What's the ruckus.. Oh Welcome back Makoto Who's this?"

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