Chapter 7 The Date!

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~~Makoto POV~~

Makoto woke up in his room on his sofa his head was resting on Kyoko's shoulder Kyoko's on his Makoto realised they must have fallen asleep while watching the film Makoto didn't want to wake Kyoko so he just waited for her to get up he didn't have to wait long as she woke up shortly after...

Makoto: "Morning Kyoko"

Kyoko: "Morning Makoto...Wait.. .Makoto!"

Makoto: "I think we fell asleep.."

Kyoko: "Oh yeah.."

Makoto got up and so did Kyoko Makoto's back was aching probably from sleeping on the sofa all night...

Kyoko: "I should go back to my room Ill be back later I was thinking we could go to the park there's also a nice café near it!"

Makoto: "Sounds like a plan"

Kyoko left Makoto's dorm and headed to her own Makoto got changed into some clean cloths and wondered what he was going to do while he waited for Kyoko he decided  that he was going to play a game he booted up his noontanda swatch and played legend of Zalde Broth of the Outside he got shot by a tech squid several time he ended up seeing a Giant Tech Elephant but by that point he heard a nock at the door he saved his game and powered down his Noontanda Swatch and went over to the door and opened it.

Makoto: "Hey Kyo-"

Hina: "Hey Makoto!"

Makoto: "Hina what are you doing here...?"

Hina : "Well you see I set you and Sayaka on a date! And you cant decline I spent a lot of money on the Restaurant reservation!"

Makoto: "Ummm What!"

Hina: "You heard me!"

Makoto: "Hina... I already have plans for today... I- I promised My parents I would be at their house today..." 

Hina: "Cant you cancel that?"

Makoto: "No I cant I promised I would help them do something.. Sorry Hina..."

Hina: "Fine Ill see if I can reschedule it for Tomorrow ...."

Makoto: "Ok then..."

Makoto closed the door and went back into his room a few minutes later he hears a knock at the his door he opens it..

Kyoko: "Hey Makoto!"

Makoto: "Hey Kyoko, Come in!"

Makoto lets Kyoko into his dorm room and closed the door and sat down on his bed with Kyoko...

Kyoko: "So should we go soon?"

Makoto: "Yeah We should!"

Makato Kissed Kyoko's cheek Makoto could see a light blush on Kyoko's Face However Makoto was sure his was as red as a tomato...

Kyoko: "Lets go then!"

Makoto: "Ok!"

Makoto got up and offered his hand to Kyoko to help her up Makoto goes over to the door and lets Kyoko out they begin to walk to the park it was a sunny day outside so they enjoyed their walk in the sunlight They shortly after arrive at the park...

Makoto: "It looks Beautiful... Just like you!"

The park was a traditional Japanese Garden with a large Beautiful Sakura Tree surrounded by a small Lovely small lake Surrounding the tree with a Small little Cherry wood Bridge to the Over to the Sakura Tree...

Kyoko: "Thank you Makoto, Have you heard about the urban myth about Confessing Under Sakura Tree's The person your confessing to cant refuse.. I was thinking about confessing to you under one of these Tree's But in the end I didn't..."

Makoto: "That would have been nice... These trees Are beautiful Like I said before Just like you!"

Makoto could see Kyoko's face get very red they ended up staying at the park for 1 few hours marvelling at the Beauty of the Japanese Garden and talked about a few things Mainly Makoto complementing Kyoko and Kyoko saying Makoto was cute Eventually they realised they where both very hungry so they left the park and began to make their way to the small café It wasn't a very long walk due to the fact it was pretty much just across the road...

They both enter the Café and begin to head over towards a table and sit down at a table in the corner of the Café the Kyoko others to go order their food and Makoto said if she does that he's paying she agreed Slightly reluctantly Makoto told Kyoko his order and then watched as she went over and ordered the food Kyoko comes back to the table..

After a few minutes of waiting and talking about what they should do later, their food arrived and they began to eat Makoto thought the food was nice and was having fun He saw Kyoko smile Multiple time but she tried to hide it because she was in public and didn't want to Show her emotions However Makoto thought Kyoko's smile was cute so he wished she smiled more.

Kyoko's phone begins to ring she looks at it and sighs she answers it.

Kyoko: "So then what's happened?.... Hmmm... Genocide Sho?.... You want me to... Yeah... Ok I can do that.. Ill be there....."

Makoto: "What was that?"

Kyoko: "Police Department.. There's a mass serial killer on the loose I need to go sorry Makoto.."

Makoto: "I see.. Be careful Kyoko.."

Kyoko: "No you be careful!"

Makoto: "What?"

Kyoko:" They are only killing boys from what we know... You may be on their hit list..."

Makoto: "Oh... Ill be careful Kyoko I wont get killed don't worry!"

Kyoko: "Don't you dare I cant take you dying"

Kyoko kisses Makoto's forehead and leave's the café for the police Department Makoto's sad about not begin able to stay with Kyoko for the rest of the day but rationalises that catching the serial killer is more important Makoto pays for the food and leaves the café he decides he should go to his house since he hasn't since he went to Hope's Peak and was sure his little sister Komaru Was missing him he began walking back to his house upon arrving he nocked at his door it Opened...

Komaru: "Makoto!"

Makoto: "Hey Komaru!"

Komaru: "So do you have a girlfriend yet!!!!??"

Makoto: "No Komaru How would I get one?"

Komaru: "Your soooo Lying!"

Makoto: "I'm not Komaru..."

Komaru: "Yeah right... Mom! Dad! Makoto's Home!!!

Makoto's Parents come to the front door and let him in they talk about how his school has been going and Komaru keeps pestering him over whether or not he has a girlfriend yet Each time he lied and said he didn't after a few hours of talking he said he had to go back to his dorms at Hopes Peak Academy and will talk to them later.... when he got to Hope's Peak he avoided Hina but ended up running into Junko...

Junko: "Hey Makoto Reconsidered yet????"

Makoto: "No Junko I will not be your Boyfriend now leave me alone I want to go to sleep its late."

Makoto ended up running from her when she started screaming something about despair eventually he made it back to his dorms surprisingly in one piece and not kidnapped he wished he could have spent more time with Kyoko today but he couldn't maybe he could tomorrow Probably not since she's on a case he went to bed with thoughts of Kyoko and ended up drifting slowly into a sleep full of dreams of her and him together forever and ever....

A/N Hope you liked the chapter! As always Criticisms, Support And Suggestions are heavily appreciated in the comments!

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