Chapter 4 Feelings.

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~~Kyoko's POV~~

Kyoko woke up still a bit shocked at what Hina had said she was so tired she was thinking about brushing it off as a dream but for some reason she couldn't because it involved Makoto she was thinking for so long she didn't realize the time it was 10:30  Kyoko muttered something...

Kyoko: "great Takas going to verbally abuse me when I go to class today...."

Kyoko began to get ready before she heard a nock at the door she went over to the peep hole to see who it was its Makoto!

Makoto: "Kyoko are you okay in there?"

Kyoko: "Y-Yeah I'm fine just over slept.."

Makoto: "Ahh ok Everyone was worried even Taka!"

Kyoko: "Surprising I thought he would be angry at me.."

Makoto: "Don't worry he is very angry..."

Kyoko: "Damn it!"

Makoto: "Ill wait for you out here!"

Kyoko: "Ok Makoto!"

Kyoko finished getting ready and came out to see Makoto.

Kyoko: "Lets get to class we don't want to be too late do we?"

Makoto: "Kyoko your already very late we don't want to be Later is the words you want to use!"

Kyoko: "Yeah yeah... Lets get going then!"

Kyoko and Makoto waked to class together and took their seats after getting screamed at by Taka for being late they got registered and went to their first lesson however Kyoko could barely concentrate she was thinking about Makoto tomorrow was Valentines day... maybe she should confess then? She would probably be rejected that's what she was expecting anyway... after that she had overheard but her feelings where to much to keep a secret anymore she had to tell him.

The lesson went by very slowly as she had little to know interest in what they where learning and she was thinking about Makoto pretty much the whole time... once the lesson ended she waited by the door to the Japanese Classroom Makoto like usual came to visit her...

Makoto: "Hey Kyoko!"

Kyoko: "Hi Makoto!"

Makoto: "How did you do on the test?"

Kyoko: "TEST!?"

Makoto: "umm yeah..."

Kyoko: "I did fine yeah I did fine..."

Makoto: "Ok then..."

Kyoko: "How did you do on the test?"

Makoto: "Well I don't know I just guessed what I was unsure of which was a lot of it hehe..."

Kyoko: "Well at least you tried?"

Makoto: "Yeah I did!"

Before Kyoko knew it the bell rang signalling them to go into the classroom so they did and took their seats shortly after wards Kyoko saw Sayaka whisper something into Makoto's ear She wonders what she had said to him The teacher waked in and began her lesson Kyoko cant really tell but she tries her hardest to pay attention...

Teacher: "So today we will be continuing to read..."

They where just reading easy enough to pretend to pay attention to Kyoko thought the lesson went by slowly the book was relatively boring for Kyoko but eventually the lesson ended and they headed to science upon arriving at the science lab they found an experiment laid out for them on the table she was unsure of what to do so she waited for the teacher to arrive she explained.

Teacher: "Today we are going to do a small Experiment involving.....

Kyoko and Makoto where put in pairs well that's nice Kyoko thought they did the experiment it was fun the lesson went by quickly which disappointed Kyoko as she was actually enjoying herself even if she didn't show it Kyoko went to the lunch hall and sat in the corner to eat her food followed by Makoto they talked about the day so far and before she knew it she had to go to Physical Education They ended up doing a match of Baseball and Leon dominated and right before the end he said he hated baseball Leon was confusing.... By the end Kyoko was tired and headed to her dorm and went to sleep ready to confess to Makoto tomorrow even though she would be rejected...

A/N sorry for the shorter chapter I wanted to establish some things for chapter 5!! as always Criticism ,Support and Suggestions are all welcome in the comments!

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