Chapter 18 Interrogating Syo...

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~~Kyoko POV~~

Kyoko woke up... and relatively quickly realised she shouldn't move because Makoto's head was resting on her arm, she didn't want to wake him up...  He was so cute when he was sleeping... Kyoko had gone through that thought process so many times yet it would never stop being true... after a while Makoto woke up...

Makoto: "Morning Kyoko..."

Kyoko: "Morning Makoto!"

Makoto: "I'm gonna miss you today."

Kyoko: "Ill miss you more!"

Makoto: "Hehe... I hope you don't have to be gone to long!"

Kyoko: "I do to.. Buts its probably gonna be a while, Sorry Makoto.."

Makoto: "I understand..."

Kyoko: "I should get going don't want to be late..."

Makoto: "Ok ill go back to my room see you later!"

Kyoko: "Ok see you soon!"

Makoto leaves Kyoko's dorm, Kyoko gets ready and also leaves and head's for the Police station, after a while of walking she makes it to her destination, Kyoko enters the police station...

Keisat: "Ah welcome Kyoko!"

Kyoko: "Hello Keisat!"

Keisat: "So we brought Toko Fujisaka in for you. so you want to interrogate her right?"

Kyoko: "Yeah..."

Keisat: "Oh and also.. we confiscated about 30 Scissors from her person when we brought her in... Were currently running retrieving the scissors used in the Murder Victims to see if they match, but it would be better if we could get her to confess..."

Kyoko: "Ok then..."

Keisat takes Kyoko to a back part of the Station, Kyoko had only ever been here when she had to  interrogate people, She was brought to one of the small Interrogation rooms... Inside sat Toko... 

Keisat: "Good luck.."

Keisat opened the door for Kyoko, Kyoko walked into the room...

Toko: "Why am I here?"

Kyoko: "I think you know..."

Toko: "No I don't!"

Kyoko had an idea... It was a bad idea,,, But it was an idea...

Kyoko: "Have you ever passed out or.. something like that.. then woke up somewhere else?"

Toko: "Shut Up!"

Kyoko knew only a few things about Multiple personality disorder but from what she knew passing out or sudden shocks can cause a switch.. Kyoko began thinking about the best way to  cause a sudden shock... She realised the best way to make a shock would be... But she didn't want to... But in the end she couldn't think of anything better... She would show Toko her scars...

Kyoko: "Ok then I wont say anything..."

Kyoko removed one of her gloves and held up her hand immediately she heard...

Toko: "AHH-"


Toko fell of her chair and onto the floor...

Kyoko: "So I was right..."

Keisat ran into the room...

Keisat: "Kyoko?

Kyoko: "Keisat its fine... But you should leave I think Syo Is waking up"

Kyoko put her glove back on her hand...

Keisat: "Ok then... call me if you need help Ill be watching the camera..."

Kyoko: "Ok!"

Keisat left the room just as...

Syo: "Oi why am I on the floor!"

Kyoko looked down at the floor...  The face she spotted in the images, Toko but with red eyes and A weirdly long tongue...

Kyoko: "You fell..."

Syo: "Well why did I do that..."

Kyoko: "I don't know... Syo..."

Syo: "What did you call me?"

Kyoko: "Syo..."

Syo: "Ooo I like that a lot better to what where they calling me Genocide Sho? What a Rubbish name Genocide Syo sounds way better!"

Kyoko: "Yeah..."

Syo: "Wait where even are we!"

Kyoko: "..."

Syo: "You must want information... Do I go back on my morals and kill this girl... IF SHE KNOWS TO MUCH I'LL HAVE TO TAKE HER OUT, WITH MY TRUSTY SCISSORS!"

Syo reaches into her skirt...

Syo: "Wait where are my scissors!!!"

Kyoko: "We had to remove them..."

Syo: "What! Ill never see Master again... And then I wont be able to stop him from dating that girl he likes... He made a plan or whatever with that Junko girl to kidnap her boyfriend... or whatever I don't care apparently she likes him who knows... Who cares But I'm going to loose my master!"

Kyoko: "Who.. Exactly is the girl he likes..?"

Syo: "I don't know... She kind of looks like you though..."

Kyoko: "...M- Makoto..."

Kyoko stands up instantly and runs out of the room...

Keisat: "Kyoko?"

Kyoko: "Watch Syo!"

Keisat: "What-"

Before Kyoko could hear the end of the sentence, She was already outside of the station, running faster than she had thought she could ever run... But she had to save Makoto, She didn't want to loose him... After about half the time it usually takes to get back to Hopes Peak... she runs into the dorms... Kyoko runs to Makoto room but...

Junko: "Hurry up Mukuro!"

Mukuro: "I've still got to knock him out-"

Makoto: "Kyoko-"

Junko: "What!"

In front of Kyoko... Stood Junko, Mukuru and Makoto in a head lock.. She was to late... They already had him...

Junko: "Mukuro give me Makoto, then get rid of the inconvenience..."

Mukuro: "But you made a deal with-"

Junko: "And I already have the money, I don't care just deal with her!"

Mukuro: "Let me knock him out first... or he will struggle..."

Junko: "Ill do it!"

Mukuro: "F- Fine..."

Kyoko saw Mukuro reluctantly handing Makoto over to Junko, along with a Thick white cloth, Then she began walking over to Kyoko... Kyoko began backing up but Mukuro was faster than her... Kyoko saw Junko knock out Makoto, then drag him away... Mukuro whispered something....

Mukuro: "I'm sorry..."

Then Mukuro punched her, she fell over instantly, Unconscious...

A/N... Ok there's 2 ways I can do this part of the book please choose one and let me know in the comments the one with the most choices will be the one I do!

Option A: I do one massive chapter with some POV switches this would mean a bigger wait time for you guys in between this chapter and the next.

Option B: I do multiple smaller chapters with one POV per this would mean a smaller wiat time for you guys between this chapter and the next.

Ok As always Criticisms, Support and Suggestion's are highly Appreciated in the Comment's!

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