Chapter 9 Operation Naezono

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~~Makoto's POV~~

Makoto wakes up to intense knocking on his dorm room door he knew it could be three people, Kyoko who he doubted would be coming at this time due to the fact that she was on a case, so it could really only be two other people Junko or Aoi, he hoped to god it wasn't Junko since he can deal with Aoi then Makoto remember the fact that Aoi wanted him to go out on a date with Sayaka and he groaned....

Makoto began to become more presentable when he heard...

???: "If you don't get out here now I'm going to get Sakura to smash your door in!"

Makoto: "Wait then!"

???: "Fine!"

From what Makoto could tell it was Aoi, He became presentable and went other to the door and opened it like he assumed it was Aoi...

Aoi: "Finally! Sayaka's Waiting for you Makoto!"

Makoto: "Great... whey did you do this Aoi?"

Aoi: "Because you will be cute together.. and your a brilliant match Makoto!"

Makoto: "Right..."

Aoi: "Come on Makoto! We need to get to the restaurant!"

Makoto: "Right Wait by the gate I want to go do something real quick...."

Aoi: "Hmm ok..."

Aoi walks away towards the Hope's Peak Academy Gate Makoto immediately closes and locks his door and begins to go towards Kyoko's Dorm, Upon arriving he knocks on the dorm room door, Kyoko opens it...

Kyoko: "Oh hey.. Makoto..."

Makoto: "You look tired.."

Kyoko: "I may have stayed up all night.."

Makoto: "You shouldn't have done that..."

Kyoko: "Well I may have made a break through... Its kind of confidential stuff though..."

Makoto: "I understand you go to sleep ok?"

Kyoko: "I will maybe..."

Makoto: "Ok then Now I need to go deal with Aoi..."

Kyoko: "Hmm?"

Makoto: "Ill explain later after you've slept.."

Kyoko: "Ok Makoto."

Kyoko kisses Makoto's forehead Makoto leaves and makes his way towards the front gate knowing that Aoi would be mad if he wasn't there soon, upon arriving at the gate Aoi began leading him towards the Restaurant It was raining at the time so it reflected Makoto's feelings, upon arriving Aoi dragged Makoto to a table in the restaurant and Makoto saw Sayaka Makoto realised that 1 of 2 things could have happened Situation 1 Aoi pulled Sayaka here like she did to to Makoto, or Situation 2 she came here willingly which he highly doubts...

Sayaka: "Hey Makoto!!!"

Makoto: "Yeah hey...."

Aoi: "Ok sit down Makoto and ill leave you to alone!"

Makoto: "Right...."

The longer Makoto was there the more he thought Situation 2 was more likely, Sayaka was really comfortable and not awkward at all however Makoto was Confused and Awkward and tried to avoid conversation when their food arrived He just ate it while Sayaka tried to make conversation...

Sayaka: "So how have you been?"

Makoto "fine...."

Sayaka: "That's good Makoto!"

For what felt like an eternity to Makoto however it was only roughly an hour Sayaka was talking to Makoto and Makoto was being extremely awkward after a while the Bill was given to them and Aoi just appeared from around the corner and payed it, Makoto assumed that Aoi was watching them the entire time..

Aoi: "Let me take you to the park!"

Makoto: "Ah I cant... I have to do something..."

Aoi: "Oh ok then..."

Sayaka: "That's sad hope to see you soon Makoto!!"

Sayaka tried to kiss Makoto but he avoids it...

Makoto: "Sayaka to fast.."

Sayaka: "Oh..."

Makoto leaves the restaurant and begins to make his way back towards hope's peak but he cant shake of the feeling he's being watched... Upon arriving at Hope's Peak he begins to make his way towards  Kyoko's dorm upon arriving, he knocks on the door...

Kyoko: "... Is that you Makoto?"

Makoto: "Yeah"

Kyoko: ".. Ok.."

Kyoko opens the door while rubbing her eyes...

Kyoko: "Hey Makoto!"

Makoto: "Can I come in?"

Kyoko: "Yeah come in.."

Makoto goes into Kyoko's room...

Makoto: "Aoi wants me to date Sayaka still..."

Kyoko: "... Well she doesn't know we're together..."

Makoto: "True.. But she just set us up on a date at a restaurant... "

Kyoko: "Oh... That's bad..."

Makoto: "Yeah.. So do we tell people we're together now to stop her...?"

Kyoko: "I don't know... I suppose... Its probably the best idea..."

Makoto: "So we're gonna tell people then?"

Kyoko: "I suppose... we should probably start by telling Aoi..."

Makoto: "I have a better Idea..."

Kyoko: "Hmm?"

Makoto: "We tell my little sister Komaru If she gets told anything it will spread like wild fire!"

Kyoko: "Hehe Sounds like a good idea!"

Makoto: "So its decided then we tell people?"

Kyoko: "Yeah Lets tell people.."

Kyoko kisses Makoto and Makoto kisses back...

A/N sorry for the shorter Chapter, Hope you enjoyed though! As always Criticisms, Support and Suggestions are welcome in the comments!

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